Category: Mathematics

Curricular & Core Competencies in Math

Recently I was chatting with the math department head at Burnaby Mountain Secondary, Ms. Reily, about skills and competencies needed as students transition into secondary learning. The K-12 curriculum has shifted toward building thinking and communicating skills as a problem-solving foundation that is applicable across all areas of learning.

Here is what Ms. Reily shared with me:

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Binary Bracelets

In September students learned how to write numbers in binary (a base-2 number system). Today students learned that letters can also be coded in binary! Each student mapped out their names on grid paper, chose their colours, and beaded their names into a bracelet.

Here is a message for you, Division 3. Let’s see if you can decode it!

1001000 1000001 1010000 1010000 1011001 1001000 1000001 1001100 1001100 1001111 1010111 1000101 1000101 1001110

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