Month: January 2023

Getting Ready for Grade 8

The secondary schools in Burnaby have been starting their parent information evenings and getting ready to welcome a new crew of grade 8s in September!

Our grade 7s are gearing up to start our visits to our catchment high school, Burnaby Mountain Secondary. Our first visit is on the morning of February 23, where students will get to tour the building, meet some of the staff, and get a sense of the different electives/programs available at BMSS. More information about courses and electives can be found here. School information from the open house night can be found here.

If you are planning on attending a different high school, you will receive course selection information upon acceptance. Until then, we will have all students fill out course selection for BMSS.


In the current novel we’re reading, The Giver, the world is a place of grays and beiges. Everyone under twelve recognizes their birthday on the exact same day, and people take medication to suppress their feelings. Great steps are taken to avoid any amount of physical or emotional pain. People dress the same, and life’s big decisions–jobs, domestic partnerships, and even children–are chosen for you. If members of the community are no longer able to contribute to society, they are released, keeping only the most “productive” of people.

Most students in Division 3 have expressed this is not a world they’d want to live in, and they have many reasons why–namely, a lack of variety or diversity. By minimizing difference/diversity, in what ways is the society in The Giver weaker or unappealing place to live?

Today we also discussed being able to argue both sides of an issue in order to predict and counter an opposition’s argument to your stance. What are some reasons that it might be beneficial to limit decision making and difference (i.e., what do you think is the goal of the Elders by setting these limitations on the community?)

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