Learning to work together to complete tasks and achieve a common goal is part of a skillset that underlies all aspects of curriculum. Throughout our first couple of weeks together, Division 3 has been working in small randomized groups on a variety of tasks to practice our communication, thinking, and interpersonal skills. When working in groups, we need to remember the “big 3”:
- Work persistently
- Communicate productively
- Take risks
Division 3 discussed how sometimes we need to take breaks to regulate ourselves when getting frustrated because our brains can “shut down” when overwhelmed, that communication requires sharing AND listening, and that taking risks requires trust of everyone else in the group.
Today students got some practice with the big 3: they worked in small groups with an elastic and string to move cups into various formations according to the instruction cards provided. They had to use verbal and non-verbal communication and teamwork to complete their task.
Division 3 — What was something that made you feel successful today? What was something that was the most challenging for you?