May 2019 – Division 10

Month: May 2019

We will visit the Vancouver Aquarium on Wed. May 29th!

Thank you to all our parent volunteers who will come to drive and help supervise. We will have the opportunity to participate in an Educational Wetlab program as well as visit all the exhibits in the Aquarium. This will be a great opportunity for the students to further investigate and explore the Ocean Biome. Please have you child at school on May 29th by 8:45. We have talked to the out of school care who brings some of your children to school in the morning, and they have confirmed that they will have your children at school by 8:45. More information to come. A notice outlining the day will be sent home soon as well as information for parent drivers.


What an amazing experience our students had with their big buddies. Thank you to Ms. Dixon for picking up the plants and seeds. We have a great assortment of plants to care for including kale, herbs, marigolds, and much more. We enjoyed learning about the plants and getting our hands dirty as we carefully planted each one. We look forward to watching them grow! Check out our garden beds in the community garden when you get a chance!

Students worked collaboratively in partners to create symmetrical designs. Partners faced each other and took turns mirroring what the other had added to the design. Check out the beautiful, symmetrical images.

After learning about the artist, students designed their own portfolio covers in the style of Jackson Pollock.  Students focused on colour combinations, texture, movement and flow. These portfolios will hold students’ work and be sent home at the end of the school year.  

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