
Using a Planner in Grade 5/6 

  • Students in Grade 5/6 are expected to use their planner to record homework (including subject, assignment, pages, due date), complete tasks, and stay organized. I encourage students to complete their planner independently before recess
  • If you need clarification about any assignment, make sure to ask before leaving for the day.
  • Many assignments have extended due dates and overlap with other classroom assignments, make sure to use your planner to make homework planning decisions that work for you and your schedule. For example, an inquiry assignment  assigned on Monday may be due on Thursday. This means you have Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday night to complete this assignment before it is due. Examine your weekly activities and decide which night(s) you should be working on this task! If at any time you need help with planner decision, please come and see me

What’s for Homework?

  • The “Homework” tab of my website will be displayed during Planners
  • Homework may include investigating personal inquiry questions, additional practice of basic skills, reviewing material in preparation for assessment, and completing assignments that have not been completed in class. 
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me about the amount assigned. Please be sure to let me know if you notice your child is struggling or are unable to do most of their homework by themselves. 

Don’t Have Homework?

  • Read a book or magazine
  • Watch the nightly news
  • Get outside and get active
  • Work on a personal action project
  • Inquire into something of personal interest
  • Make connections to activities we are examining in class
  • Teach someone at home about what we are learning in class
  • Write a story, poem, journal entry, etc.