If You’re A Robot And You Know It
Are you ready for a mini circle…?? Let’s go! https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e19689_burnabyschools_ca/EVuvQnFTbOFMlsALmB0A8LYBtrs3E_WYLNb3BU1L6tQRQQ?e=znlabf Book by David A Carter
A morning in the Fairy Forest
On Wednesday I was so fortunate to have been invited to meet in the forest with two of my colleagues – Ms Roz from Forest Grove, Ms Marianna from Stoney Creek and two kindergarten teachers from Forest Grove – Ms Howey and Ms Mackie. My cheeks hurt when I got home and my heart was so full… we had so much fun! Are you ready to make some playdough with us? You need: 2 cups of flour 1 cup of salt 2 tbsp of cream of tartar 2 tbsp of oil 2 cups of boiling water Feel free to add food colouring and/or essential oils/extracts https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e19689_burnabyschools_ca/EbTMlCr9BHJOk3zULu8bbqUBd7kVPwCXzhpxvxIt5c6Uew?e=qLqPYC We each took a…
A Sensory activity for babies….
Okay my littlest friends… This activity is for you 🙂 Go for a walk and collect a few nature pieces… a stick… a petal… a few leaves… Grab a large ziplock bag, a big glass of water and some wide packing or masking tape. I used a little rubbing alcohol to wipe away the ziploc label but if you don’t have it at home just skip this step! Place all your treasures inside the bag along with the water. Gently squeeze the air out of the bag. Take the tape and seal the bag onto the floor. Take another piece of tape and place it on the bottom of the…
We’re Going on a Nature Hunt…
We’re going on a nature hunt… We’re going to see some living things… It’s a rainy day… we’re not scared! Okay adventurers! Today we are going to make binoculars to explore outside! Parents all you need are two toilet paper rolls, some tape or a stapler, some colours to decorate and a piece of string. Staple the two rolls together, poke a hole on each side and tie them together with a piece of string! Get on your boots and rain jacket and you’re ready to go! Can you find a leaf that an insect has nibbled its way through? What about a berry just starting to grow! A beautiful…
Pete the Cat
Here is one of our favourite stories at StrongStart. Enjoy my friends! https://youtu.be/fj_z6zGQVyM Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes Story by Eric Litwin Art by James Dean
Our lovely librarian Ms Randi from Metrotown Public Library has sent me a great list of story times in multiple languages. Caregivers please sit with your children and enjoy these resources. Ask them questions – sing along! Enjoy and have fun 🙂 Scholastic Storybook Treasures https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrA8ZzPPKlDeFgm6qVW1rOg YouTube videos of animated picture books Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Stories in Mandarin https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwmYd6YIpBur6zRwxrKyGOCpLTTeHZIlT Scholastic Storybook Treasures: Stories in Spanish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bipV2Y-FEr8&list=PLwmYd6YIpBurEZB4_KXzWMkcJpSDhY_yR Brightly Storytime https://www.readbrightly.com/topics/brightly-storytime/ Watch picture book videos. Storyline Online https://www.storylineonline.net/ Watch videos of famous actors reading picture books. Storybooks Canada https://www.storybookscanada.ca/ Read picture books in many languages. You can hear the stories, too. Indigenous Storybooks https://indigenousstorybooks.ca/ Read picture…
The rain is coming…indoor gross motor activity
Good morning friends… The rain is coming in and your little ones might have a little more energy that needs tp be released! Grab a roll of painters tape or masking tape and make an indoor hopscotch in your hallway. Let’s count! Can you jump on one foot? Can you jump like a bunny? A frog? How about jumping over a number and skipping a box? Can mom and dad get all the way to the end? Another idea is using the tape to make parking lots and roads – there is so much you can do with a roll of tape! Have fun and stay safe <3 Ms Gael
Our classroom….
We have made so many great memories this year in this classroom. I have watched so many families make new friends and make new connections to our community. We will meet again soon. I can not wait to hear your stories! Ms Gael
Dear StrongStart families… Welcome to our blog. A place where we can connect. A place where you can get ideas of things to do with your children while we are apart. We are all in this together. I can not wait to give you all a BIG hug the next time we meet. I am here for you. Ms. Gael