• Community Partner Information

    The Wonder of Nature

    Nature – the magic bullet? Since the pandemic began many changes have ensued steering families to make decisions they never thought they would ever make. Working from home with little children banging on the door demanding fishy crackers may not exactly be what you thought going back to work would look like. The low level anxiety people are faced with everyday as the pandemic lingers on, just shouldn’t be – and yet, here we are. Children feel stress too and are really good at letting parents/caregivers know through their behaviour. Play dates are postponed, grandma and grandpa need to stay safe and can’t help out like they use to. Parents…

  • Stories and songs

    Circle Time

    Come and sing with me my friends! This was back when we could all be together ❤️ Have a beautiful day in the sunshine ☀️ https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e19689_burnabyschools_ca/EXMEQdw3lXFLuuCxVT7Gi3kBMeqY2YcnmroG4pI9-iHqrw?e=fAzRM4 https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e19689_burnabyschools_ca/ER0mkOxOmEJJjj3DupqdSlMBxH8_H-ryxioniQ0Vf9sOiQ?e=kBdbcx https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e19689_burnabyschools_ca/ERWb3plliXBOrpa_AygOHykBPPTnfu9Gp6W-lqckkwKjsQ?e=xdwPcb Let’s make some Fall playdough for the weekend! 2 cups of flour 1/2 cup of salt 2 tablespoons of oil 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar cinnamon 2 cups of boiling water Stir flour and salt together. Add the cream of tartar. Add the cinnamon. Stir in 1 cup of boiling water. Add oil and then slowly add the second cup of water. Let it sit for a little bit and then knead the dough. Store in a ziploc bag! Try making…

  • Stories and songs

    Happy Halloween!

    It was so nice seeing a few of my friends on Wednesday outdoor class and I can not wait to see more of you as the weeks go by! Happy Halloween! Two of my kiddos carved their pumpkins… did you carve a pumpkin? We also roasted the pumpkin seeds…so good! I am going to invest in a tripod so that I can read the stories myself! For now enjoy one of my favourite Halloween stories here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQDHXTZhc00 The Little Ghost Who Was A Quilt by Riel Nason