• Outdoor Activities

    The Adventures with Mr Stick Man

    Hello friends! The next time you go for a walk look closely for a stick on the ground. I chose a stick that had a long line and then two smaller lines that made a triangle shape that I thought looked like legs. Look for a smaller stick that you could use for arms. See? Have an adult help you with this part! I used a figure 8 type loop to join the two sticks together with twine and then made a knot. Now it is time to dress your stick friends! I used embroidery floss I purchased at Dollarama and wrapped my stick person with different colours. You can…

  • Outdoor Activities

    A morning in the Fairy Forest

    On Wednesday I was so fortunate to have been invited to meet in the forest with two of my colleagues – Ms Roz from Forest Grove, Ms Marianna from Stoney Creek and two kindergarten teachers from Forest Grove – Ms Howey and Ms Mackie. My cheeks hurt when I got home and my heart was so full… we had so much fun! Are you ready to make some playdough with us? You need: 2 cups of flour 1 cup of salt 2 tbsp of cream of tartar 2 tbsp of oil 2 cups of boiling water Feel free to add food colouring and/or essential oils/extracts https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/e19689_burnabyschools_ca/EbTMlCr9BHJOk3zULu8bbqUBd7kVPwCXzhpxvxIt5c6Uew?e=qLqPYC We each took a…