Save all those vegetable scraps that would normally go into the compost bin.  This is a science experiment to see what will grow and what will not.  Let’s do this together and keep track of the process.

I have the ends of green onions, part of a potato, carrot tops, seeds from a butternut squash, garlic segments, romain lettuce end cut and a red onion!


I placed them all in their own containers with about a 1/2″ of water.


Change the water every two days and place them by a window where they’ll get some sunlight.  Now all you have to do is sit back and keep an eye on them for any changes.  Other veggies to try are:  the base of a celery stalk, basil, cilantro stem, beet root top, leeks and a pineapple top.  I am sure there are more things to try.  Experiment!


After only 5 days, I have noticed some big and small changes with the veggie scraps.

If you look closely, there are a few buds appearing on the potato.  Nothing is happening with the squash seeds and the red onion roots have gotten longer.  On the right, two new lettuce leaves have started sprouting out of the Romain stalk.  The green onions have started growing with darker green stems shooting out from the middle.  The garlic bulbs were the fastest to grow.  The growth is over 4 inches tall after 5 days.  Remember to change the water regularly!


If you are trying out this or any of the past activities, please take photos and share them with me via email.  I would love to see them!

Have fun and happy planting!