Div. 5 is learning about different types of writing! We have started a magazine project, sharing our learning with different types of writing!  We love having choice in our learning – choosing topics that are meaningful and interesting to us! Here are some of the elements you might notice!

  • letter from the editor
    • we love introducing ourselves and our topics to our reader – who are we, what are our connections to the topic, and what do we hope for our readers?
  • articles
    • interesting informational writing about our chosen topic!
  • creative story writing
    • how can we weave a story connected to our topic?
  • advertisements
    • what elements have we noticed in ads around us? How could we analyze and incorporate them into our magazine?
  • persuasive writing
    • can you share an convincing opinion about your topic?
  • advice column
    • what advice would you give?
  • art & art reviews!
    • we have been exploring some amazing artists and creating amazing art this year! Which special pieces will you include?
  • book reviews!
    • which book club book will you share about?
  • fun elements such as puzzles, comics, games, word problems, quizzes, and more!

We can’t wait to share our learning with you!