Division 6 has been learning about diversity and inclusion this week as we prepare for IDAHAT Day on May 17th and welcomed our newest members of the class, our class caterpillars!

Our caterpillars arrived early this week and in just a few days, our little caterpillars have more than doubled in size! We have been observing them closely and reading about them. This morning, a few students even chose to read them a story to start our day together.


To celebrate diversity and explore symmetry, we created beautiful rainbow butterflies with Ms. McGivern!

On Monday, we will wear rainbows to acknowledge International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia Day (IDAHAT Celebration). Families are welcome to join a virtual event on May 17 from 4:00-5:30pm on Zoom! The Zoom link to join the event can be found at the top of the event page, which also includes information about the speakers and can be found here:  https://sd41.sharepoint.com/https://zoom.us/j/92170428652?pwd=NENRTENQWDVnaUxPdlEvY1lrNzNaUT09sites/SOGI_Construction/SitePages/IDAHAT-Reimagined.aspx