This week, we did a few experiments to explore our math & science inquiry about time. We brought home our maps and our shadow clocks (sundials) to explain these concepts to you!

Day, night, and Earth’s rotation

This week we learned that even though it looks like the Sun is moving across the sky every day, it is actually the Earth that is spinning (rotating) around its axis. In the activity, students became models of the Earth and spun around to understand how this movement is responsible for the Sun rising and setting every day. We also discussed how the speed of the Earth’s rotation affects the length of one full day.

You can support learning at home. The next time you’re traveling by car or bus, you can point out that it doesn’t feel like you’re moving at all – even if you’re traveling at really high speeds! This is the same reason that even though the Earth is spinning incredibly fast, it never feels like we’re moving. Because the Earth is always spinning at a constant speed, we never feel it moving!

Earth’s rotation and daily shadow patterns

Our second big question was ,“Who set the first clock?” We made shadow clocks (sundials), learned about telling time by the Sun, and found out how (and why) people first divided the day into hours.

When your child brings the sundial home, I suggest you help set it up in the sun with the north-pointing arrow pointing to north. When you and your child watch the shadow move over the course of the day, you might point out that the shadow moves clockwise around the dial.

Exploring Time Around the World

As we considered what time it was in different places around the world, we started to share stories about places that are important to us. Can you share some stories and place them on the map?

Literacy Week: Travel the World Together

Next week is literacy week! Our theme is “Travel the world together”. We will have an assembly on Monday and Friday, and have many stories and activities throughout! Wednesday is “Wear words” day. Your children will also be bringing home bingo boards which are due back on Thursday!