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Sharing our Learning from Home: June 19

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It’s hard to believe that this is our final “Sharing our Learning from Home” blog entry. Ms. Mah and I were just saying that we are especially emotional this week as we see all of the growth in your work. We are incredibly proud of every one of you as you have risen to the challenges of learning at home and have always done your best.



Schedule for Last Week of School

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Hopefully, you have all received an email from Ms. Aujla outlining the plans for next week.

  • Monday -The students who have been attending school will attend on Monday, June 22 ONLY next week.
  • Tuesday – There will not be school for students attending Div. 14. You may continue with online lessons from home.
  • Wednesday – We will have a “beach party” themed zoom meeting on Wednesday to celebrate our last time together from 1:00 to 2:00.
  • Thursday – Each student has been assigned a time to come to school to pick up their report card, say goodbye, and pose for a socially distanced photo. Please see schedule below. If the assigned time does not work for you, we can arrange an alternate time. This is the last official day of school. Have a wonderful summer!


Report Card Pick up / Good bye Schedule

Thursday June 25, 2020 

9:00  Daniel 
9:05  Mikayla 
9:15  Kian 
9:20  Amanda 
9:25  Autumn 
9:35  Doha 
9:40  Hazel 
9:45  Isaac 
9:55   Nil
10:00  Angelika 
10:05  Jessica 
10:15  Jayden 
10:25  Anthea 
10:30  Damian 
10:40  Eden 
10:55  Gavin 
11:00  Alejandro 
11:15  Perry 
11:20  Roman 
11:25  Hridaan 
11:35  Eric 
11:40  Uk 


Learning at home: Week of June 15-19

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Learning at home for the week of June 15 – 19 

Special announcementsHappy Father’s Day on Sunday! Check out the link in “Get Creative” to make something special. 

In case you missed it last week, here is the link for a “Memory Book”. 

A separate email will be sent including the zoom links for the following class zoom sessions: 

  • Monday 1:15 – 1:45 – Zoom Music with Ms. Gaspar 
  • Wednesday 1:00 – 2:00 – Whole Class Zoom – This week is “Animal week”. You are invited to wear a costume (maybe your Halloween costume or dress up like an animal)! We will be visiting the San Diego Zoo to check out the live-camera feeds. If you want to share an animal joke that would be GRRREAT (have it prepared and ready to read)! 
  • Thursday/Friday – small group sessions with Ms. Mah 

 The highlighted activities will be covered in class.

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



STORY-THE COLOUR MONSTER – Listen to this story here.  When you think of a feeling do you sometimes feel colours? Like red for angry? Lots of people have made connections to feelings and colours.  Choose a colour and think about how it makes you feel.  Draw and write about it. Pick a few more colours and do the same. 

The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions: Llenas, Anna ...

– WRITER’S WORKSHOP: -Watch this video on Howe Sound. https://youtu.be/XTLTltIzMUo 

 Write in your Writer’s Workshop book about how you connect with the video (Have you been camping? Have you seen Orcas in the wild? Do you love the water? etc.) Can you create a story that has a setting on or by the ocean? Make sure you describe what the area looks like for your story so the ready can create an image in their mind. 

REFLECTION JOURNAL -Complete pages 18-21 in your Reflection Journal. 

JOURNAL– Write a journal entry telling your dad (or another special family member) all of the reasons that you think they are special (What are your favourite things to do together? What do you like most about them? What is your favourite memory with them?). 

READING FOCUS- when reading, look for “contractions”.  These are 2 words joined together by taking out a letter and inserting an apostrophe. For example, is not = isn’t, you have = you’ve. Make a list of the ones you find. 



-PLACE VALUE BOOKLET: If you have the place value booklet at home, you can complete 3 more pages. 


-CANDY MATH: Help these monsters buy candy at the candy shop. How many monsters can you help? https://www.mathplayground.com/candy_cashier.html Once you have gotten into the game scroll down to see the instructions. 


-MATH GAMES – check out BoxCars and One Eyed Jacks webpage for wonderful math game ideas. https://www.boxcarsandoneeyedjacks.com/covid-19-resource-page/ 




STORY: THE MOST MAGNIFICENT THING. Click here to watch the video. Are you inspired to add to your creation from last week? Do you have another idea for an invention? Can you make a design for a creation and then build it out of materials from your home? 

FATHER’S DAY CARD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONEbYSfnyG8 

MUSIC– check out some activities from Ms. Gaspar at the following links 

Activity 1 

Activity 2 



STORY-EVERYBODY NEEDS A ROCKClick here to listen to the story. Then create a list of the 10 criteria in order to find your perfect rock. If you want a worksheet to help you with this lesson click here. Get outside to find your rock! 

Everybody Needs a Rock

Go NoodleAnimal Instincts Video

Sharing our Learning: June 12

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Graphing, goal setting, giraffes, Happy posters, inventions, and crazy hair! We love the way you continue to do your best work and take pride in your assignments!

Reminders: 1)If you have outstanding library books, you would have received an email from me. Please return library books as soon as you can. 2) Please remember to complete the “Self-Assessment of Core Competencies” survey by next Friday.



Learning at Home: June 8-12

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Learning at home for the week of June 8 – 12 

Special announcements:  Happy Birthday to Jayden on June 12! 

BONUS PROJECT: If your child would like to work on a “Memory Book” for this school year, I have attached a link here. If you do not have access to a printer, your child could easily create the pages with the same titles.  

Memory Book Link

I have 2 booklets (Place Value and outdoor learning activities) to provide to families who are continuing with home learning (the same ones that were offered last week). If you would like these booklets (not required), I can leave them outside our classroom door on Monday or Tuesday for you to pick up. 

If you have any library books, RED folder books, or other books from school, please drop them off in a bin that I will leave outside our classroom door between the hours of 8:30 and 3:30 on Mondays and Tuesdays. 

A separate email will be sent including the zoom links for the following class zoom sessions: 

  • Monday 1:15 – 1:45 – Zoom Music with Ms. Gaspar 
  • Wednesday 1:00 – 2:00 – Whole Class Zoom – This week is “crazy hair day”. You are invited to attend with some crazy ponytails, spiky hair, or wearing a coloured wig! We will be watching a science lesson from “Telus World of Science” together. 
  • Thursday/Friday – small group sessions with Ms. Mah 


Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  The highlighted lessons will be covered in class. Do one or do some!  



STORY- GIRAFFES CAN’T DANCE- click here to listen to the story.  You will learn that Gerald felt he was not good at dancing. Once he found the right type of music, he learned he could dance! Is there something you feel you cannot do well YET but you want to get better at it? Now draw a detailed picture and write 1-3 sentences. Maybe you would like to set a goal for yourself to get better at it.


VERB HUNT: watch this video to learn more about “verbs”.  While reading to yourself for 20 minutes, look for action words. These are called “verbs”.  See if you can act out their meaning. Eg. Jump, talk, wiggle. 

NON-FICTION READING: read a non-fiction book. This is a book that tells you about real things or is “true”. You can find these types of books on Tumblebooks or Epic. Then write down 5 facts that you learned from your book. 

REFLECTION JOURNAL: -Complete pages 13-17 in your Reflection Journal. 

RAZ KIDS READING – keep practicing you reading as many times as you can this week. Can you read for 20 minutes every single day this week?



GRAPHING – Grab a handful of lego, cereal, or toys. Sort them into groups based on shape, size, or colour.  Now create a bar graph (like our weather graph) to share the data. BONUS: Write a sentence to compare the data. 

-GAME – RACE TO 50 TO 100: Use a blank piece of paper and one or two dice. Roll the dice, note the number, now roll again and add to your first number. Keep rolling as you record the numbers as you add to the previous number. Stop when you reach 50 or 100. For example, 1st roll: 5, 2nd roll: 4. so 5+4=9, 3rd roll: 3. so 9 + 3=12. 

-PLACE VALUE BOOKLET: If you have the place value booklet at home, you can complete 3 more pages. 

NAME THAT SHAPE: Now that you’ve had some time to learn the names of the 3D shapes, give this a try and see if you can name all the shapes: https://youtu.be/MYoUQyLNUi4 

-MATHLETICS: keep practicing your math skills online 



BUTTERFLY RELEASE VIDEO – click here in case you missed it! 




STORY: ROSIE REVEERE ENGINEER – click here to listen to the story. Then plan and design a cool invention like Rosie did. Use recycled items or toys in your home to create your invention. 

Rosie Revere, Engineer cover art


DIRECTED DRAWING OF A GIRAFFE LIKE GERALD (from Giraffes can’t Dance). Click here to follow along. 




HAPPY POSTER – make a poster with the word “happy” in the middle of the paper.  Have each person in your family draw things that make them happy during this different time.  Display the poster somewhere in your home! 


Sharing our Learning from Home: June 5

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Thank you for being flexible as our scheduling changed once again this week! It was wonderful to see so many students participate in our class zoom session on Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing you again this Wednesday with CRAZY HAIR while we watch a Science lesson from Science World.

Whether you participated at home or at school, the learning continues to happen and we are amazed at the results!

If you are able to drop off your hearts in the pouch on our outside classroom door, I will put them all in our classroom window. Mr. Watts has collected all the hearts from today and placed them inside for safe keeping. The more hearts the better!

Here are some photos from our learning this week:


Butterfly Release, NASA link, and more

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It was wonderful to see so many friends during our zoom lesson today! Thank you so much to Ms. Tataren for visiting with baby Owen and Lauryn! They are so sweet!

As promised, here are the links for the activities that I mentioned during our zoom session:


Learning Activities for June 1 – 5

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Learning at home for the week of June 1 – 5 

As we transition to providing in class lessons for the students who are returning to class, we have had to change the framework for home learning slightly. Any of the lessons that are highlighted in red will be taught in class to those students who are returning.  

If your child is returning to class, he/she can complete the non-highlighted lessons at home on the remaining days of the week. 

If your child will be continuing with home learning, he/she can complete any/all of the lessons that are listed whether they are highlighted or not.  

I have 2 new booklets (Place Value and outdoor learning activities) to provide to families who are continuing with home learning. If you would like these booklets (not required), please contact Ms. C. to arrange a time to pop by our classroom to pick up these booklets. 

If you have any library books, RED folder books, or other books from school, please drop them off in a bin that I will leave outside our classroom door between the hours of 8:30 and 3:30 on Mondays and Tuesdays. 

A separate email will be sent including the zoom links for the following class zoom sessions: 

  • Monday 1:15 – 1:45 – Zoom Music with Ms. Gaspar 
  • Wednesday 1:00 – 2:00 – Whole Class Zoom – This week come dressed in your PJ’s! We will watch the Space X rocket that launched on Saturday and visit the International Space Station. 
  • Thursday/Friday – small group sessions with Ms. Mah 




BEE WORK– Is there a question about bees from your “Wonder” list that you still want to know more about? With an adult’s help, look online to find the answer to your question. You can use the last pages of your “Bee Booklet” to document your question and findings. Feel free to complete any of the remaining pages of your bee booklet.  

-REFLECTION JOURNAL- Complete pages 10-12 of your Reflection Journal. Please take the time to really think about how you have been feeling and write about it on pages 11-12. Changes sometimes make us feel various feelings. This is the same for everyone- even adults! When you find you are having a hard day talk to someone, go for a walk, take a break, or do some breathing.   

-SOCIAL DISTANCING- Watch how these friends show they care about each other while social distancing. https://www.facebook.com/villageprimarythornaby/videos/1982995221836366/ What are some other ways we can show our family and friends that we care from a distance? Write some of your ideas down and draw a picture of what your idea looks like in your journal.  



-INTRODUCTION TO PLACE VALUE – Can you find a group of small objects (a counting collection)? Now sort the objects into groups of tens and ones. For example, if you have 85 cheerios, you will have 8 groups of ten and 5 ones. Perhaps you can find another collection to count into 10’s and 1’s. If you have the “Place Value” booklet, complete the first 3 pages or complete the page below.

Counting Collections and Combining Collections Recording Sheets | TpT

CREATE A STORY PROBLEM – The answer is 18.  What could the question be? Think of as many answers as possible (+/- sentences, pictures, story problems, money, graphs, etc) 


-3D SHAPES BOOK and ITEM CARDS SET 2 SORT – Cut, colour, and put together “My Shapes Book”. Once you’ve done that read it to someone in your home. Cut out the Item Cards Set 2. Cut and sort the shapes under the 3D Shapes Labels you cut out from the May 11th Shape sort that you used with Item Cards Set 1. 

-SUBTRACTION PUZZLES -Practice your subtraction skills with this online puzzle game:  https://www.mathplayground.com/puzzle_pics_subtraction_facts_to_20.html 



IF I BUILT A CAR– listen to the story here. 


-Design a super cool car! How can you make your car? What features do you want your car to have? Now build it using lego or other materials that you have at home. Can you make a ramp and see how far your car will go? 

If I Built a Car: Van Dusen, Chris: 9780147509147: Books - Amazon.ca 



IN MY HEART – listen to the story here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIfLgHBwYx4 

We are going to try to cover our entire classroom window and bulletin board with rainbow hearts to show appreciation and care for our community! Can you help by drawing and cutting hearts in a variety of sizes using the different colours of the rainbow? Or let your creativity run wild and create any heart design you want. I cannot wait to see our collaborative efforts come together for this project! If you are working at home on your hearts, you can drop them off in the envelope that I will attach to the outside of our classroom door. Drop them off anytime! 





– CHROME MUSIC LAB- https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/ 


The Chrome Music Lab has 13 different experiments with unique ways to play, create, and visualize sound and music. Can you figure out how each experiment works? What kinds of creative patterns and sounds can you make? Can you write your own song (or re-create one you already know)? Try some of them out! Now let’s look at the first experiment called Song Maker. https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/ 

Choose an instrument and create a melody. Use low notes and high notes, and play it back so you can hear what you composed. Don’t forget to click SAVE if you don’t want to lose your song! 


-Remember to try to join our zoom music session with Ms. Gaspar from 1:15 – 1:45 on Monday! 




SCAVENGER HUNT – make a list of things you may find in nature around your home.  Go for a walk and mark off all the things that you find! 



INSECT YOGA- Since we are studying bees and butterflies, how about some insect yoga? https://youtu.be/qIT-9Nnlvn0 


Sharing our Learning from Home: May 29

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Thank you for all of the photos that you are sending us! We love to see the learning that is happening at home!






Information for next week

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Hello Division 14 families!

We hope everyone is having a wonderful week and enjoying the sunshine!

For families with students returning to school next week, we will be contacting you tomorrow through email to provide you with an update about your schedule for next week.

For families who will be continuing with online learning, we will send out blog and email communication for your activities every weekend as usual.

Please make a note that moving forward, we will have the following zoom sessions available each week:

-Mondays 1:15 – 1:45 – all students (at home and at school) will have Music with Ms. Gaspar.

-Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:00 – all students are welcome to join our whole group zoom session.

-Thursdays/Fridays – Ms. Mah will continue to offer her small group zoom sessions.

Links for these zoom sessions will be sent this weekend.

As you can imagine, the process of re-opening school during these times is quite challenging. Placing students into cohorts based on sibling combinations, staffing, and adhering to safety/social distancing parameters is extremely time consuming. Thank you for your patience with all of this!

Please remember to send me a photo of your child for our class collage!

AND as usual, I will continue to send out  “Sharing our Learning from Home” so please send me photos by noon tomorrow. Thank you!


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