Learning at home: Week of June 15-19 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Learning at home: Week of June 15-19

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Learning at home for the week of June 15 – 19 

Special announcementsHappy Father’s Day on Sunday! Check out the link in “Get Creative” to make something special. 

In case you missed it last week, here is the link for a “Memory Book”. 

A separate email will be sent including the zoom links for the following class zoom sessions: 

  • Monday 1:15 – 1:45 – Zoom Music with Ms. Gaspar 
  • Wednesday 1:00 – 2:00 – Whole Class Zoom – This week is “Animal week”. You are invited to wear a costume (maybe your Halloween costume or dress up like an animal)! We will be visiting the San Diego Zoo to check out the live-camera feeds. If you want to share an animal joke that would be GRRREAT (have it prepared and ready to read)! 
  • Thursday/Friday – small group sessions with Ms. Mah 

 The highlighted activities will be covered in class.

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



STORY-THE COLOUR MONSTER – Listen to this story here.  When you think of a feeling do you sometimes feel colours? Like red for angry? Lots of people have made connections to feelings and colours.  Choose a colour and think about how it makes you feel.  Draw and write about it. Pick a few more colours and do the same. 

The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions: Llenas, Anna ...

– WRITER’S WORKSHOP: -Watch this video on Howe Sound. https://youtu.be/XTLTltIzMUo 

 Write in your Writer’s Workshop book about how you connect with the video (Have you been camping? Have you seen Orcas in the wild? Do you love the water? etc.) Can you create a story that has a setting on or by the ocean? Make sure you describe what the area looks like for your story so the ready can create an image in their mind. 

REFLECTION JOURNAL -Complete pages 18-21 in your Reflection Journal. 

JOURNAL– Write a journal entry telling your dad (or another special family member) all of the reasons that you think they are special (What are your favourite things to do together? What do you like most about them? What is your favourite memory with them?). 

READING FOCUS- when reading, look for “contractions”.  These are 2 words joined together by taking out a letter and inserting an apostrophe. For example, is not = isn’t, you have = you’ve. Make a list of the ones you find. 



-PLACE VALUE BOOKLET: If you have the place value booklet at home, you can complete 3 more pages. 


-CANDY MATH: Help these monsters buy candy at the candy shop. How many monsters can you help? https://www.mathplayground.com/candy_cashier.html Once you have gotten into the game scroll down to see the instructions. 


-MATH GAMES – check out BoxCars and One Eyed Jacks webpage for wonderful math game ideas. https://www.boxcarsandoneeyedjacks.com/covid-19-resource-page/ 




STORY: THE MOST MAGNIFICENT THING. Click here to watch the video. Are you inspired to add to your creation from last week? Do you have another idea for an invention? Can you make a design for a creation and then build it out of materials from your home? 

FATHER’S DAY CARD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONEbYSfnyG8 

MUSIC– check out some activities from Ms. Gaspar at the following links 

Activity 1 

Activity 2 



STORY-EVERYBODY NEEDS A ROCKClick here to listen to the story. Then create a list of the 10 criteria in order to find your perfect rock. If you want a worksheet to help you with this lesson click here. Get outside to find your rock! 

Everybody Needs a Rock

Go NoodleAnimal Instincts Video

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