Encourage Good Work Habits and Study Strategies

At home, try to keep homework a positive experience. May I suggest setting aside a regular time, free from distractions too. For example, my children generally tackle their homework after dinner for two reasons: (1) they have a full stomach (2) I have time to sit down with them if I need to. They also know that if they want any screen time, their homework must be completed first so it’s a great motivator!

If students use their class time efficiently and complete their work following assignment expectations, homework should be minimal. The expectation is that assignments are handed in a timely manner. Below is a helpful checklist:

  • Complete any unfinished work.
  • Read every night for 30 minutes.
  • Have your parents check and sign the planner. Put the planner in your backpack for school the next day.
  • Make sure to have necessary supplies for school and appropriate clothing/footwear or gym.
  • Get a good night’s sleep!

If a student misses a lesson(s),  an extension will be given to allow the student enough time to complete the assignment. 

Arriving on Time

Go to sleep early or on time. Children at this age should try to get about 9-10 hours of sleep each night. A well-rested child is a much better learner the next day! Turn off electronics! It is important that students arrive on time to school. It is a valuable lesson to learn early in life and it starts your child’s day off on a positive note. If your child is going to be late or away, please contact the school.

Healthy Living

  • Eat a healthy, complete breakfast.
  • Bring a healthy snack for recess. Please avoid sending food or drinks with little nutritional value. (Please leave candies or snacks with high sugar content at home).
  • Bring a healthy lunch. Eating healthy foods contributes to good food for the brain to enhance learning.
  • Use reusable containers to reduce waste produced.
  • Bring a water bottle  (labelled and one that cannot spill easily, please) to put on the desk to stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Reminder that students are encouraged to bring home what they do not eat.  This will help with future lunch planning.