Hello Division 12 Families!

Welcome to Division 12!

We are excited to begin this new school year with your children.

We use our class blog to keep families in the loop on what is happening in our classroom. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the headings along the top and the sidebar items. Our blog is updated regularly, so please refer to it often for current information.


September is a busy month; here are a few reminders to note:

  • Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes and a change of clothes, including socks and underwear (to be kept at school at all times); please label all items
  • Snacks are eaten outside during recess- please pack a small and simple snack for your child that can be eaten quickly (they know to bring their wrappers/containers back inside the classroom to return to their lunchbox or throw perishables into the compost/garbage bin)


On the horizon:

  • We will be emailing you a link to a short digital survey to help us prepare for our Parents as Partners conference on Sept. 27th; please take a moment to fill it out before your conference
  • Parents as Partners conference information will be sent home next week
  • Our first round of Show and Share will begin on Monday (please see the notice that was sent home yesterday).

We look forward to meeting each of you soon… welcome to Division 12!

Mrs. Basso and Mrs. Walji