This cross-curricular activity (art, writing, SEL) was inspired by the book “The Best Part of Me” by Wendy Ewald. In this book, an award-winning photographer asked several children “What is the best part of you?”, and presents their answers in sometimes funny, sometimes moving ways. The author takes striking black-and-white photographs of each child.

Here is a link to the book:


Students first chose and took photos of the part of them they like the best. Those black-and-white photos were printed. Then, students re-represented the photographs into sketches, only using pencil and sharpie. In addition to the art activity, students wrote about which body part they like the best and why.

This activity also promotes a sense of self, and self -esteem!

Here is our bulletin board:


Big Ideas: Creative expression develops our unique identity and voice.

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.

Curricular Competencies: Explore personal experience, community, and culture through arts activities.

Content: Elements of design – line, shape, texture, colour