Module Two Post Five ( Science and math in war )

Science, technology, and warfare

This website explains how the advancement in technology can affect warfare. Scientific technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, computer science, and 3d printing make a country even more powerful than having nuclear weapons. These technologies enables the development of powerful military systems. There are endless possibilities to what technologies can create. Future warfares will rely on a lot of technologies. The internet can spread information extremely quickly, so a lot of new technology is exposed to us. For this reason, national security can no longer be guaranteed by military power. Technology is playing a large role. These technologies are enabled by science.

Module Two Post Four ( Science and math in war )

Math used in World War II

This website proves one point on how math is used in wars. In the WWII the Germans used encryption machine called Enigma to send secret messages to each other. A letter typed in the machine will use another letter to substitute it. Mathematicians came together to solve try to decipher messages from the machine, but it took many years while some countries were overtaken by Germany for them to have the breakthrough.

Module Two Post Three ( Science and math in war )

Scientific developments from world war I

This website shows the development in science in World War I. Synthetic rubber for cars were developed because German needed to make large amounts of rubber locally. It was a foundation for airlines today because multi engined airplanes were made so it’s possible to transport a lot of people. Blood banks, smaller radios and ultrasound machines used to to detect underwater submarines were made.

Module Two Post Two ( Science and math in war )

Science and technology in World War II

In World War II, science was used to help make more advanced battling technology. A lot of new unexpected discoveries were made due to the motivation of the war. Discoveries like anti fog windshield fluids, better defence against submarines and under water torpedoes, and preservable food were made.

Module Two Post One (Science and math in war)

History of math in military

This web site is a prezi presentation that shows how math is applied in the military. In history, math have been used to create weapons and calculate construction plans for artillery weapons. In Ancient Greece, artillery weapons that are similar to cross bows have been constructed by mathematical calculations. Sailing and navigational technology have advanced due to math calculations that allowed for the construction of ships and boats. Ancient Greece made the fastest boats at the time by using simple geometric calculations. In World War II, Albert Einstein created the atomic bomb using math to calculate scientific equations. Aircrafts, computers and the encryption system was also created. These technologies allowed for more destruction in warfare.

Module One Post Fifteen (Surface Tension of Water)

Surface Tension

While I was by a pond this summer, I saw insects standing on the surface of the water. After some searching, I find that the insect named water strider is able to stand on water due to water`s surface tension despite its denser body mass than water. This tension is due to the cohesive nature of water molecules that provides a strong cohesive force between the water molecules. When the water strider is exerting force on water, surface tension pushes back, creating a net force of zero. This contributes to the interesting phenomenon that I have observed at the pond.

Module One Post Fourteen (Leaning of Pisa Tower)

Leaning Tower of Pisa Facts


The leaning tower of pisa in Italy seems like a miracle that is defying gravity`s pull. Since gravity force would be greater on objects with greater mass, it is fascinating how pisa tower is still standing with an approximate mass of 14,500 tonnes! Physicists predict that the tower would fall when its leaning angle reaches 5.44 degrees, but the pisa tower has been seen to reach an angle of 5.5 degrees before restoration work has been done between 1990 and 2001. With advancing technology in engineering and architecture, the tower is now standing at an 3.99 degrees angle. This helps with preserving this amazing architecture piece for another few hundred years or even longer.

Module One Post Thirteen (Enzyme Kinetics)

Enzyme Kinetics

This page explains what enzymes are and how their chemical reaction rates can be predicted by math functions. Enzymes are protein catalysts that can speed up chemical reactions by lowering activation energy required. They are not only used in science experiments, but also broadly used by living organisms for cellular processes. This site explains how reaction rate depends on the concentration of substrate at a fixed enzyme concentration. The rate of product formation can be determined by monitoring the rate that substrate disappears. This can be useful in chemistry experiments.

Module One Post Twelve (The rule of thumb)

The rule of thumb

This website explains the reason why things decrease in velocity when they go on a flat surface. It’s because of the rule of thumb. The rule is that when a object is slowing down, the direction of the acceleration is in the opposite direction object’s motion. The diagram below shows this process. The green arrow indicates the direction of the velocity and the green arrows indicates the direction of the acceleration. When you ride in a car and you come to a urgent stop at a red light you can feel yourself leaning forward. Your motion is forward but you are negatively accelerating, or slowing down.

Module One Post Eleven ( How 3D printing works: A look at the science behind the technology)

How 3d printing works: a look at the science behind technology

This website explains how 3D printers can print something that is three dimensional. First there need to be a designing software to design the object. The 3D object is printed by stacking thousands of 2D layers to turn it into a 3D object. This process is explained in the movie Flatland. The site also mentions that the material that can be used to print the objects are unlimited. People have used plastic, rubber and even chocolate. In the future, this technology can enable to let people make all sorts of useful things at home, and our lives would be more efficient.