Module One Post Thirteen (Enzyme Kinetics)

Enzyme Kinetics

This page explains what enzymes are and how their chemical reaction rates can be predicted by math functions. Enzymes are protein catalysts that can speed up chemical reactions by lowering activation energy required. They are not only used in science experiments, but also broadly used by living organisms for cellular processes. This site explains how reaction rate depends on the concentration of substrate at a fixed enzyme concentration. The rate of product formation can be determined by monitoring the rate that substrate disappears. This can be useful in chemistry experiments.

Module One Post Nine (Mathematics in Chemistry)

Mathematics and chemistry

This brief page explains how mathematics is essential in chemistry. In chemistry mathematics is necessary to calculate concepts. This page provides a lot of links on exactly what mathematics skill you need to know for chemistry. The links show that scientific equations are used in chemistry. The website is from a university, so the information is reliable.

Module One Post Six (10 cool chemistry experiments)

The rainbow of colored fire was made using common household chemicals to color the flames.

Cool Chemistry Experiments

This site lists 10 cool experiments using different substances mixed together. There is step by step instruction on how to do most these experiments. These experiments all involve chemistry. This demonstrates that there is infinite possibilities that can happen after certain substances are mixed together. This is an example that shows me that there are no end to possibilities in chemistry. It will also be good for ideas.