Module One Post Nine [Nanotechnology and Food]

Nanotechnology and Food

Image result for nanotech and food

This website names the benefits of nanotechnology in food. They explain it in 4 major categories: Agriculture, Food Processing, Food Packaging, and Supplements. In the category of agriculture, the website said that nanotech would help with delivery of products and nanocapsules can be used as pesticides and fertilizers. Under the category of food processing, it explains that nanocapsules can be used to add flavour more easily. Under the category of food packaging, they explained that with nanoparticles they could make packaging stronger and they could also use nanosensors to check the temperature and moisture inside a package. In the last category of supplements, they explained that nanocochleates can be used to deliver more nutrients and good things and the taste will not be changed.

Module One Post One [What is Nanotechnology]


What is Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is technology so small that humans can’t see it. This site explains how nanotechnology can help in many subjects like biology or physics. Richard Feynman is the scientist who made it on December 29, 1959. In 1 inch there is 25,400,000 nano-meters. The website is good because it is a government website and has lot’s of information and examples for most ages to understand.

Everything is the world has atoms and nanotechnology is about controlling those atoms. Even high school microscopes cannot see most forms of nanotechnology. The website helps because it explains that scientist who study nanotechnology need specific technology such as scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM).

Now that people have discovered nanotechnology they have been trying to find new ways to use it.