Module One Post Thirteen (geometry in drawing)

This website talks about geometry in perspective. In old, famous paintings you can clearly see how the artist used geometry in his/her work.

PAULO UCCELLO (1396-1475) 'Perspective Drawing of a Chalice'

This art piece by Paulo Uccello called ‘Perspective Drawing of a Chalice’, shows how even back then, geometry was used in paintings. Artists always value how geometry can help their art become realistic, and visually pleasing.

Module One Post Four (geometry)

Geometry  is a branch of mathematics about shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.

Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a practical way for dealing with lengths, areas, and volumes. Geometry began to see elements of formal mathematical science emerging in the West as early as the 6th century BC.By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment, Euclid’s Elements, set a standard for many centuries to follow. Geometry arose independently in India, with texts providing rules for geometric constructions appearing as early as the 3rd century BC. Islamic scientists preserved Greek ideas and expanded on them during the Middle Ages. By the early 17th century, geometry had been put on a solid analytic footing gby mathematicians such as René Descartes and Pierre de Fermat. Since then, and into modern times.

While geometry has evolved significantly throughout the years, there are some general concepts that are more or less fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of points, lines, planes, surfaces, angles, and curves, as well as the more advanced notions of manifolds and topology or metric

Gemoetry is one of the core parts of art you ,in every drawing artists create you coul d fund geometrical shapes in them.

Module 1 Post 10 (The Geometry of Dance)


This site explained geometry in ballet. Without geometry the dance wouldn’t look as nice. Dancers form shapes with the bodies so they must understand geometry and what shape they have to form. This site also talks about symmetry and asymmetry and how it is important to a dancer.


This site was useful because it talked about geometry and symmetry and if I want to explore just those 2 topics I have a site I can go on. This site was very short but had good information. Now I know how important geometry in dance is, because without it my dancing won’t look as nice.

Module 1 Post 8 (Dance Related to Math)


This site is very similar to


These two sites have multiple ways math is in ballet. These 2 sites also explain why they think this form of math is useful to a dancer. This site talks about musicality, balance, and angles. The dancer must understand how to transfer their weight or else they’ll lose their balance. They must also know 90 degrees and 45 degrees or higher because when a dancer lifts their leg they must know when to stop or else they will go to high.


This was useful because now I can gather more information on geometry symmetry and counting. This site also explained angles which was very helpful. Now I understand how to keep my balance properly and why my dance teachers always say that we have to count.

Module 1 Post 7 (The Mathematical Reasoning Behind Dance)


This site talks about the different math in ballet. This site uses many examples. There are examples such as Rhythm in ballet, symmetry, geometry, and more. It shows pictures as examples. If a dancer is off symmetry then they could lose balance and get injured. If a dancer isn’t counting then he or she will be off time with the rest of the dancers. There are also several angles in dance and dancers form shapes with their bodies.


This site was helpful because it was like one of the previous sites I used except this site had more details. This site actually explained why they thought math was in ballet. This site also showed different dances and not just ballet. There was also tap, because rhythm in tap is very important. If you’re off beat in tap then your taps will just sound like noise.

Module One Post Nine (Math in Basketball)

This website show the geometry about how to shoot, defend, and pass. Shows the hoop distance and the basketball too. The way you need to dribbling the ball and passing it like an angle. Even the shots.

This helps me because it’s important to shoot from an angle to get better chances. Always stay focus with the ball and the player moving because they might trick you and put your hands that the player can’t pass.

Module 1 Post 6 (The Geometry In Dance)


This site talks about the angles in dance. However it doesn’t really talk about ballet but it was still useful. This site says that it is important to keep yourself symmetrical in dance and that our bodies form many different angles while doing certain steps. Symmetry is important for balancing in the world of dance so every dancer should maintain their symmetry.


This site was useful because now I know how important symmetry is in ballet and if I ever need to stay balanced in ballet I know it’s because of the symmetry. This site is also useful because if I want to swerve away from ballet and learn more about the dance in general I have this site.

Module One Post Two

Fashion designers need an understanding of geometry. They would use it when they design clothes, for examples : basic shapes and 3D shapes, angles, parallel lines and transversals… they are all about geometry. Every piece of clothing would have at least one design that’s related to geometry, and geometry is part of Math.

Below are some pictures about fashion designs and geometry.

Module One Post Four (Savannah Ballet- The Geometry of Dance)

This website shows the geometry and symmetry in ballet. Due to the fact that it’s a powerpoint, it doesn’t have much written information. However, I found the pictures to be quite useful. The website shows different positions and the geometry within them, as well as the different formations that require symmetry. It also demonstrated different choreography formations made up of lines and circles, as well as different body lines and shapes.


Even though this website didn’t have much-written information, I found the pictures to be quite helpful considering the fact that I am mainly a visual and kinesthetic learner. Another thing that was helpful to me was that every slide showed the original picture with an additional picture that had been outlined to show where the line of symmetry and shapes are found. This enabled me to understand what they are trying to show.

Module One Draft Two (Hockeymath)

Cite used:

In this site it provides information that was mentioned in previous sites, however it goes  deeply into extreme ideas/concepts. Some examples are Kinematics, Newton’s three laws of motion, Hockey geometry, vectors, impulse/collisions and Projectile motion. All these subjects are explained and visualised by video, unfortunately I could not get a hold of the links of these videos. Continuing, this website displays a further/more detailed look into hockey, which i believe will be able to help me when looking into more complex ideas of math. Great site, definitely suggest it to others, as it is a good visual representation of how hockey is related to math.