Module One Post Eight (Dance Related to Math)

This website talks about angles, musicality, and balance in dance. Dancers must know how high to lift their leg, this is determined in degrees. Their legs are lifted at 45 degrees, 90 degrees and higher. Dancers must also know how to transfer their weight in order to maintain balance. Dancers must also have the ability to memorize movements and counts, as well as on what counts to perform. This site also gives great explanations as to why they think these forms of math are useful to dancers.

This site was useful because not only did it have good information, it also gave great explanations as to why they think these forms of math are useful to dancers. This site also explained angles which was helpful since other sites didn’t give much information on it.

Module One Post Eight

For fashion designers, they need to know the basic 2-D patterns in order to design a clothes, and 2-D shapes are part of math. To design a clothes, the designer need to draw out each piece of the whole clothes, and each drawing is a 2 dimensional shape, which means that it’s flat, when you look at it with your eyes parallel to that piece, it just looks like a line.

“2D geometry”的图片搜索结果

Module One Post Seven (The Mathematical Reasoning Behind Dance)

This website talks about the mathematical reasoning behind dance, but more specifically ballet. One example the website gave is, symmetry, it´s very important that one side of the body matches the other side. Being symmetric helps a dancer with balance. Symmetry usually contributes to the formations of the dancers in a dance. Another example is rhythm, dancers must be able to count the number of counts in a step as well as the beats in music. The most counts in a full set 8.

This site was helpful because not only did it explain the different connections between math and ballet, it also explained why they believed math was in ballet. This website not only explained the connections between math and ballet but other dances as well.

Module One Post Twelve (Math in Basketball)

This website show the geometry about the backboard. The backboard is measure in meters and the geometry is used in bank shot of the backboard. It show that is better if you shoot inside the board and it better to shot the backboard from far range.

This helps me because the backboard is very use full and keep the score easy to shoot. it’s also important to know the measurement of the backboard because some back board is different so maybe is harder to shoot.

Module One Post Eleven (Math in Basketball)

This website shows the percentages of an angle shot, the percentages of the half court shot, the basketball player use the determine of the percentages shot, and bank shot is use for geometry. If a player shot left side 45 degree angle then it bounced on the right side of the backboard.

This helps me because it show the percentages of the half court shot and it’s important because the coach can see what position should we use. It also show the angle of the distance shooting point from the backboard.

Module One Post Fourteen (math in art)

This time I substituted the website for a video, and it clearly explains drawing perspective in math. You need geometry, and angles to make sure everything is in proportion.

In one point perspective, when you are drawing the object like a cube, the lines has to create a 90 degree angle. After, the lines that finish up the cube have to be parallel to each other. All of the lines have to be straight too. (unless you are drawing 0 point perspective.)

As you watch the video, you can see that first, the basic shape that defines the soon to be cube is  2d. When you form the cube, it turns into a 3d shape.

Module 1 Post 15 (The Geometry of Ballet)

This last prezi didn’t have much information on rotation, translation, and reflection. Although it did talk about the angles. While performing an arabesque a dancer has to have her leg at a 90-135 degree angle. While performing a grand jete a dancer has to have her legs at 180 degrees so basically a straight line.

This was useful because normally when I view sites with the title geometry of ballet, I normally think it’ll be about geometry but this site was very different and had different examples. This will be useful because I know that angles are even involved in the studio.

Module 1 Post 14 (The Geometry of Ballet)

I found another prezi on geometry in ballet. This prezi has more typos then the other one but it does have useful information. This prezi explained that geometry has helped ballet dancers and it gave new information on how ballet uses rotation, translation, and reflection.

This was useful because it gave new examples of how ballet uses geometry. The explanations were very good. And it Incorporated pictures so it helped me understand how ballet had that specific type of math involved in  it.

Module 1 Post 13 (The Geometry of Ballet)

Since it is getting a little harder to find sites on how ballet is related to math I decided to try a Prezi. I found this one and it was pretty useful so I decided to put it as one of my posts. This Prezi explains basic geometry like reflection translation rotation and symmetry. They gave lots of examples like while doing a pirouette your using rotation.

This was useful because it had examples along with pictures and videos. They explained things really well and it was really helpful. This can also help me understand why posture is so important in ballet because if you are slouching or sitting on one hip it won’t be a proper reflection or you won’t be symmetric.

Module 1 Post 12 (Mathematics Of Ballet)

This site was like many others I found. It was someone else’s blog but they did find really good information. There is a variety of different examples of why math is involved in ballet. For example spacial formations, angles, symmetry and counting the music. All of this is important to a ballerina. When a professional company performs they need apply all of these (especially spacial formation).

This was helpful because there was a lot of examples and I have multiple different forms of math to chose from. The one I found the most useful was the spacial formations because that is very important to a ballerina.