Module 1 Post 4 [ The Mathematics of Music ]

The Mathematics of Music

This site talks about pitch, octaves and harmonies. I think this site is a good place for me to study my subject because the author, Jeffrey Rosenthal, is a professor in the Department of Statistics (DoS) at the University of Toronto. In one section of this article, it states that the reason some notes work well and some don’t. ( Example: C and G sounds good while C and E flat don’t sound well) This is because mathematics decide whether they sound good or not. Each note has a different pitch and frequency that determines if they are compatible with other notes. All notes can sound good under context (It all depends on the key of the piece).

Module 1 Post 3 [ Frequency modulation and music synthesis ]

Frequency modulation and music synthesis

This article comes from the AMS (American Mathematical Society). The article talks about wave frequencies and also Frequency Modulation. When we hear noises (music) our brains are processing the sound waves. They also state that sound is created by different types of air pressure. Frequency Modulation is just that. Modulating a signal so that it matches another signal. I want to use this article to study the perception of music and noises