School’s Out for Summer!

Has anyone heard that song before? I believe it is Alice Cooper who sings it. Ask mom and dad if you can check it out on youtube. It was released one month before I was born!

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying not having to do any work. Here’s to the first day of summer break! Rest up my lovelies! I look forward to seeing you in T minus 70 days!


Waahh…Is that how you would spell the crying sound!? It is already our last day together as a group and I miss you all very much. I am beyond proud of you for adapting to this new way of doing things. Sometimes we need to do things a little bit different and we don’t always like it, but this was a lot of different.

I’m not sure how many of you participated in the time capsule activity, but if you haven’t I suggest putting a little something together to remember this moment in time. Think of it as a memory box rather than an assignment and just include a few things that will help you remember what it was like to live through this moment in history.

We have a Zoom meeting today at 11 am and I hope we get to see all of you!
The link is here

If this doesn’t work use: ID 807 746 9488 password: 9YVXyF

Have a fantastic summer and try to enjoy every moment. Read every day. In September, I will see you back in room 213 somehow, some way.

Monday Funday

Hi everyone! I’m not sure how many of you will be visiting my blog today so I thought I would just provide some links to some videos. I hope you like them. I chose a variety of different ones in the hopes that you would find something interesting.

First, since we didn’t get to go on any field trips, I thought I would share this link that has some virtual field trips. Not the same, I know, but you can see that video here

I found a few science videos that I thought were interesting. There’s one about blood and why we have it. You can find it here. I also found one on how bees make honey. You can find it here. Finally, I found one on black holes. You can find it here.

Some of you enjoy the links to art activities so I included one here and another one here.

Now that you have been on a screen for WAY too long, I suggest you get outside and just play.

Final Friday

Hi everyone! Today is the last Friday of the school year 🙁 I have set 2 Zoom meetings and have split you into 2 groups again. They are short 15 minute meetings to just say hello.

Hopefully you will all see this in time and come to the meeting.

Grade 3’s join us at 10:00 am here

Grade 4’s join us at 10:15 am here

For today, I was hoping you could work on your time capsule but I have added a few extra things here as well.

Word Work – C G T R N O A O T O I N S U L A

JOURNAL: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why? Explain.

ART/Writing: Draw your perfect treehouse. Be as creative as you can. What would you include? Where would you build it? Mine would probably have a coffee maker…lol! – You should try to do this like a picture journal. Spend some time on your picture and add colour and details. Then, spend some time on your writing. Be clear and describe in detail.

ART: Click here and/or here for a couple of drawing ideas.

Remember to get outside and play 🙂

Thursday. Just Thursday.

Hey everyone! Thank you to those of you who are continuing your participation with all this remote stuff. I know I have been giving you less and less but we are down to the last few days. You have been working so hard from home and deserve some time to slow down…not stop just yet, but slow down.

I will be setting a Zoom meeting for Friday (tomorrow). We will split the group up again for this one and then we will have the whole class together in Zoom next week for one last hello and good-bye (well…see you later actually)

For today:

1) Time capsule – Believe it or not, you are part of a history making event right now. This pandemic will be talked about for years to come. You will most likely tell your kids about it! So, I want you to put together a small ‘time capsule’ to remember what these days were like.

Ideas of things to include…plus whatever else you want to put in there:
– newspaper clipping with COVID19 as the title or as the topic
– a current picture of you to remember what you looked like in 2020
– a list of all the things you did to keep yourself entertained
– a list of the ‘rules’ or guidelines everyone was asked to follow (eg. 2 meters apart)
– a letter to yourself or someone else explaining how you felt making all these changes
– make a pro and con list – a list that has the good and bad things about this event
– interview your mom or dad asking them how they felt about all the changes
– samples of the work you completed at home
– a letter to someone giving advice for how to deal with a pandemic
– a list of new skills you developed while learning at home
– etc, etc *check out the video assigned on Epic about making a time capsule 🙂

You could store this in a box, a binder, a notebook, a desk drawer, or anywhere that you could keep it all together as a collection. You could even make, and decorate a box specifically for this.

It would be great if you would be willing to share your time capsules at our Zoom meeting either tomorrow (if you work fast!) or next week.

2) A-Z end of year reflection – Write the letters of the alphabet. Beside each, think of something that happened, or something you learned, this year that starts with that letter.
(for example: F = fractions). I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

3) Father’s Day is coming this weekend so I thought you might like the drawing I found. Click here

4) W.O.D.B.?
– sock, T-shirt, belt, sweater
– pencil, eraser, highlighter, stapler
– Harry Potter, Star Wars, Big Nate, Charlotte’s Web
– 12, 34, 56, 95

5) Check out Epic for new reads!

Have fun and get outside 🙂

Wind Down Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you had a productive day yesterday. We are starting to wind down as we get closer to our well deserved summer vacation.

For today:

1. Think about this school year. In particular, the time we actually spent together in class. Think of one word to describe the way you felt about the class. Write this word in the middle of your paper large enough for people to read it. Then, leaving NO white space, colour all around the word – make sure you can still see the word.

2. Make words using these letters: M O C U M I C T N I O N A

3. Draw the floor plan of your bedroom from a bird’s eye view. That means if you were to look down on your bedroom from above, what would you see? Remember to label everything and add some colour.

4. If you are allowed, make trail mix. You could use a recipe but you don’t need one. All you need to add together is a little bit of all sorts of goodness 🙂 For example, we used to call it G.O.R.P. – Good Old Raisins and Peanuts. So, go ahead and put together a mix of your favourite seeds, dried fruit, chocolate chips, or nuts! THEN, send me the recipe you created or used 🙂

5. Find math around your house. Write the numbers 1-10 and see if you can find items in your house for exactly each of those numbers. For example, in my house, I could put toothbrushes beside the 3 because we only have 3 toothbrushes in our house. The larger numbers may be harder but you are creative, you will figure it out.

6. Remember to fill out the self reflection if you haven’t already.

7. Check out Epic books for the latest assignment.


No School

Hey everyone! Remember there is no school on Monday June 15th. It is a Pro-D for us teachers. Consider it a long weekend! Enjoy 🙂

Finally Friday!

Good morning everyone! I have seen some very creative things coming from you. I’m constantly impressed with your work! I hope you participated in the recycled materials project. I’m looking forward to seeing your creations.

For today:

a) Take the first letter of your first name and write as many foods that you can think of that start with that letter. For example, mine is C so I can say carrots, cucumber, etc. See how many you can find.

b) A prefix is added to the beginning of a root word and changes its meaning. For example, the prefix UN means NOT or opposite. Eg. If the root word is lock + the prefix un = unlock. See how many words you can find that have the prefix UN.

c) Find words using these letters: D L G I E H F L T U


If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?




I suggest we take a break from math today. If you don’t want to you could go to Khan academy and check out new assigned material OR go to and play.
(you could practice your flashcards that you made a while ago or you could play the games I sent you weeks ago too)


Secret Code writer. Assign a symbol to letters and write a secret message in code. Be sure to include a key/legend letting me know what your symbols are. Eg A=/, E=^, T=?
My example:
* / & ^
$ @ ^ / ?
! / >

Remember to send me a picture of your recycled creation 🙂

Think outside the box Thursday

Good morning everyone! Happy almost Friday 🙂

Let’s get creative!


Using a black marker, write a large capital ‘J’ in the middle of your paper (do not include the top part). Now, turn it into a colourful picture! Get creative and remember I still need to see the original, black J when you are done.


I don’t know if you have ever helped do laundry, but sometimes a sock or two seems to go missing. My question for you is…

What are all the possible uses for that one lonely sock? You wouldn’t want to throw it out now would you?

WORD WORK:Your challenge is to find 10 words



#1 The students were lining up for recess. The teacher lined them up one girl, then two boys, then one girl, and two boys. If there were twenty children in line, how many were girls?

#2 I see 10 flowers in my garden. The first flower is red, the second flower is blue, and the third flower is yellow. If this pattern continues, what colour is the 11th flower? The 15th flower?

#3 Gabby caught 63 fish on Tuesday. She threw 14 back because they were too small. On Wednesday she only caught 52 fish. How many did she keep from her fishing trip?

#4 Jason has a pet store with 24 turtles and 73 snakes. He sold 51 pets today during his sale. How many pets does he have left?

#5 I’m thinking of a 3 digit number. It is odd. The 10’s place is double the 1’s place. The 100’s place is double the 10’s place. What’s my number?

#6 If you skip count by 3 from 0, will you ever say 100? Why or why not?


Check out the latest assigned book on Epic. Don’t forget the quiz!

REMINDER:Tomorrow I would like to see your recycled creations. I hope you remembered to make something.

Well, well, well…it’s Wednesday

Good morning everyone. I have to tell you how impressed I was at your ladybugs from Monday. You all did such a great job. If you haven’t done it, or you haven’t sent it, I would love to see it!

Here we are in the middle of the week and almost the middle of June. I know the weather hasn’t felt like June. More like Junuary!

Here we go…

WORD WORK:Use these letters to make as many words as you can.



JOURNAL:Choose 1

A) If you were going on a trip and could only bring 3 things with you, what 3 things would you bring? Explain.

B) If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be? (no…you can’t wish for more wishes:))


There seems to be a pattern of 3 in this post. So…to start with:
– think of as many things in this world that come in 3’s
– make as many equations as you can that equal 3
– using only 3’s and the functions +, -, x, /, try to make the numbers from 1-10 (for example 3+3-3=3 and 3×3-3=6) Can you find the rest?

– W.O.D.B.?
a) 263, 505, 712, 73
b) 27, 423, 61, 54

– Using 3 squares, 2 rectangles, 2 triangles, and 1 circle, draw 3 different robots.


These bunnies are cute…I think they are anyway.
Click Draw-Bunnies

FOR FRIDAY:Remember to continue with your recycled material creations. Show me by Friday.

Please read the latest assigned book about Acrostic poems on Epic and complete the quiz. Also, try your best to write an acrostic poem!