Informal Report Cards
This year, we are doing a different system for reporting student progress. Tomorrow (Wednesday, January 27), I will be posting your child’s second informal report on their Teams channel. This report will be a writing sample, with a teacher comment about how your child is progressing in writing this year.
The formal report cards will come home the week of February 12.
If you are unable to log into Microsoft Teams, please let me know and I’ll send you the instruction email and your child’s password.
We have been working on our Map of Good Memories since the beginning of January.
- First, we talked about our special places, and the memories we had in those places.
- Then, we spent a lot of time reading books about memories, then using the ideas from the books to brainstorm, sketch and list our memories and personal special places in the world.
- Next, we created a Map of Good Memories (Art and Social Studies).
- Finally, we chose one of those memories to write about. We tried to use 5W questions to help us extend and add details (who, what, where, when, why).
Check out our bulletin board! These maps are amazing.
On your child’s Team channel, you will see a writing sample about one of their memories. This writing was done independently over 3 days. Teachers didn’t edit or help with spelling, ideas, or organization. It is a snapshot of what your child can do in writing at this moment in time, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Your child is growing and changing as a writer every day, and as adults, we must celebrate their amazing growth!
Please read your child’s writing and the teacher comments attached, focusing on the strengths that you see. I am so proud of each of our students, and we still have more than 5 months to keep working on things like spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The most important thing teachers want to see is that your child feels like a writer, and keeps practicing writing every day.
When you are finished reading your child’s work, please make a comment on TEAMS by clicking REPLY and typing something that you’re proud of in their writing, or something that you noticed about their work.
Thank you so much for supporting your child in their growth as a writer!