First visit to Beecher Creek!

We took advantage of a gorgeous late Autumn day this past week, and we headed off to Beecher Creek. We joyfully made the short walk to this magical outdoor space singing and noticing all of the seasonal changes that were occurring as Autumn transitions into Winter. Once we came upon the fairy door between the […]

We are all connected…

Friday, November 3, 2023 This morning we read a beautiful story called, “Heart String” by Brooke Boynton-Hughes. I invite you to click on the link below to listen to the story with your child before reading on! Heart String “We are all connected by an invisible string…” After reading this story, Mrs Carlsen and I […]

Not a Box!

Friday, November 3, 2023 Our afternoon explorations began with a story, “Not A Box” by Antoinette Portis. Before reading on, I invite you to click on the link and listen to the story with your child! Not a Box After enjoying the story, I challenged the students to explore and play with a wide variety […]