We are Amazing!

This week Ms. Allanson asked the students what they would like others to know about Division 26. We have only been together for a very short time, but already we have begun to grow meaningful connections with each other and with our larger school community, through our explorations and investigations. Every student was excited to […]

Tasting our Pickles!

Today was the day we had been waiting for! It was finally time to taste the pickles that we made together with Division 27! We each had the opportunity to taste and share a tasting word to describe our experience. Here are a few photos from our Pickle Party! Here are some of  the tasting […]

Guess what we are growing next in Div. 26?

Today Pixie, our classroom Fairy, left us the most amazing gift! When we opened it up, we discovered that she left us a very special growing kit. When we looked closer, we realized it was a mushroom growing kit! Please enjoy the pictures as a sneak peek into how we set up our mushroom growing […]

Tasting our Garden and other explorations!

Today was a beautiful end to our second full week of Kindergarten. I’m feeling very grateful for the kindness and excitement that the students are sharing with me and each other, as we begin to grow our learning community! Please enjoy an assortment of photos as a little peek into a day in the life […]

Let’s make pickles!

The rainy afternoon was the perfect time to try and make pickles from the cucumbers we harvested from our garden last week. To make pickles we: Washed our cucumbers. Ms. Allanson chopped up the cucumbers and some fresh garlic from her garden. We tucked the cucumbers and garlic into 4 jars. We added some fresh […]

Welcome to a new school year!

     Dear Families, Welcome to our classroom hub! I’m hoping to create a space here where families and students can connect with each other and share in the learning journey of Division 26 this year. I invite you to visit here regularly to read and reread the blog posts with your family. It is […]

Heart and Mind online: A great resource!

Hello Families, As I talked about in a previous post (accessible at this link: Educating the Heart and Mind ), at Brentwood Park we have been working with the Heart and Mind Index over the past few years, in recognition of the important role school plays in supporting students’ education of both their hearts, and their […]

Educating the Heart and Mind

At Brentwood Park, teachers have been engaging with the Heart and Mind Index, created by the Heart and Mind organization, which is connected to the Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education. You can find out more by visiting the Heart and Mind website: Heart and Mind Website This is a wonderful resource that I […]

The Science of Kindness

Dear Div. 26 Families, This past week I was fortunate to be able to attend a zoom conference where the key topic of discussion was Kindness. This conference is part of a year long research project that I feel so grateful to be joining for my second year. It is called Changing Results for Young […]

Welcome to my blog!

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I look forward to using this space to document the collaborative learning journeys of myself and my students. I feel so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to teach in Burnaby, the community that I have always called home and where I now am lucky to be raising my […]