Additional Songs:
Click on the song title below to listen to each song while you practice your recorder at home. (Remember to read the musical notes in your recorder book as you play)
Audio Player
Audio Player
Audio Playertreat-you-better
Chester – A Revolutionary War Fantasy – Full Performance
star wars without recorder
star wars with recorder
o canada
A little recorder music: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart)
Audio PlayerFingering Charts:
Please look at the fingering chart to make sure you are playing with the correct fingers. In the fingering chart “German” Fingering is on the left & “Baroque” is on the right. If you are unsure about which fingering to use, look at the foot/boot of the recorder and if there is a little b it is Baroque, and if there is a little g it is German. If you cannot find this on the boot/foot look above the thumb hole and the little B or R may be there. If you are unable to find these markings at all on your recorder, please see Mr. Yanko and he will help you identify which one to play.
-To view a chart of all the fingerings on the recorder click here.
-If you would like to practice recorder notes online, click here.
Online Games:
Below are links to some fun games and activities to try at home. Some require your recorder, others do not.
Musical memory matching game
Piggy Musical Games
Play Boom Whackers
Piggy Saves Music the Video Game
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