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Division 7’s recorder compositions

Posted by on June 11, 2019

Over the course of the previous few months, the grade 4/5 students in division 7 have been working on learning the recorder. One of the songs learned during that time was “La Bamba,” which presented a new challenging note of F# for the students. To scaffold the learning of this new note the students engaged with a composition project that involved using the notes of “La Bamba” to create a new piece in AABA form. As this project began students went above and beyond–creating complex rhythms, melodies, new notes not learned yet and even the addition of the tenor recorder to create harmony.  Paralleling that, the students had an opportunity to explore the iPad application “Launchpad,” in which they created background beats to accompany their melodies. 








Below are some of their final recordings. 

M, C and A

Audio Player



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A and M

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E, A, and A

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M, L, K, and M

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J and S

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A and D

Audio Player


M and A

Audio Player


S and H

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A, B, and C

Audio Player


G, T, K, and J

Audio Player

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