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Recording the Tempest

Posted by on October 30, 2015


We have been working on the song “The Tempest” by Michael Smith that Mr. Yanko arranged for us to play on the xylophones.  Today we recorded it to listen to our parts and to see what needs work.

tempest song

Audio Player

I heard everyone was off and I heard high pitches. – Meghna

I heard a lot of high pitch noise that shouldn’t be there.  All through the song, the rest was alright, but not too in-sync.   – Barton

I heard myself playing really loud and didn’t realize it until I heard the recording.   – Courtney

I heard lots of time the tempo was off.   – Sasha

I think that the recording had some good things and some parts we need to work on.  The recorder was together and the recorder was also very sharp.  In the glockenspiels were good but at the end, there was one person banging.  the triangle was ringing at the end a little too much but overall, we did good!   – Ava

I heard some parts of the song off – anon.

I think the overall sound was good, but we could work on it a bit more.  – anon.

I think the harmony was ok, but there was one person you could hear the whole time hint, hint,  (name).  Everything else was good.   – Sara



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