Superstitions: Making Your Own Luck

Do black cats give you the creeps? Do you always pick up a lucky penny? Do you avoid travelling on Friday the 13th? Most cultures across the globe have different superstitions (routines or beliefs that supposedly lead to good or bad luck).

Below are a few of the superstitions we discussed in class. Do you recognize any of them? What superstitions do you believe in?

Superstitions (1)

Tea-Time: Learning About Chai

Do you ever drink tea? Our class discussed how many different cultures participate in ‘tea time’. We also each had a cup of chai and discussed different ways this special tea is prepared. Chai has a complex history in many communities across Asia and the rest of the world.

My Chai Formula

For more information on the ‘perfect’ cup of chai, click the link above for an article, or watch the video below:

Microorganism Day: Exploring ‘Micro-Photography’

Micro-Photo Challenge

Click the link above to participate in our ‘micro-photo challenge’!

Today, our class learned about the specialized Art of ‘micro-photography’! Using a variety of lenses, photographers can take still images/videos of tiny particles, bacteria, single-celled organisms, etc. Did you know the microscope was ‘invented’ in the 1600s using similar technology to the telescopes used by Galileo? See an image of one of the early microscope designs below:


Welcoming Conversations, School Supplies, and Reminders

Hello to our Division 3 learning community!

This week, students have been sent home with:

-a 2022-2023 school planner (fee payable through school cash online)

-a school supply list for Grade 6/7

-a short note/overview including a QR to a survey for parents and guardians.

If you have trouble accessing the survey, the link can also be found here:

Information about our upcoming ‘Welcoming Conversation’ evenings will be send via e-mail in the next few days. I am so excited to connect with our amazing families, parents, and guardians of our Div. 3 students!

Thanks, as always, for your support!

-Ms. Ward



‘Hair is Political’: Exploring “Bald is Beautiful Day” and “Afro Day”

September 13th and September 14th are both days where we can think about hair (or lack thereof)! Our class discussed ‘Bald is Beautiful’ Day and why some people may not have hair. We learned that some people shave their hair for religious reasons or when grieving, some people feel more comfortable/confident bald, some people lose their hair as a result of chemotherapy or alopecia, and some people may lose their hair as they age or due to stress, pregnancy, or medications/health.

The video below is an interview between a person with alopecia and kids of different ages. Feel free to watch to learn more about how alopecia can impact someone’s identity, health, etc.

We also explored the origins of ‘Afro Day’! We learned that an afro hairstyle is one of many culturally-significant hairstyles. Below, the Guinness World Record holder for ‘largest afro’ discusses how her hair helps her feel connected to her Black heritage:

We will continue to explore how our hair can represent our culture, identity, and history this week!

Welcome to Grade 6/7!

Hello and welcome to all of our new (and returning) members of our classroom community! I am so excited to be a part of your Grade 6 and Grade 7 learning journey this year. I know that this change might be unexpected, but we are flexible, resilient, and enthusiastic learners who can handle anything!

Some important notes for this week:

-school supply lists and parent/guardian information forms will go home this week

-please familiarize yourself with how to pay school fees through Lochdale’s website

-‘Welcoming Conversations’ (‘meet the teacher night’) will be taking place soon! More information to follow

-our classroom (room 22) is now your ‘home base’ for pick-up and dismissal

-parents and guardians, please check your e-mails for more information from Ms. Redmond (our principal)

We also want to welcome our other Grade 6/7 teachers, Ms. Ramen, Mr. Miotto, and Ms. Hennesy!


Ms. Ward

Welcome Back!

Hello to our new Grade 5s and 6s!

Welcome back to our new school year! We will be spending a few days together before we transition into our new classes for the 2022-2023 school year.

For this week, a few reminders:

-Please make sure to bring a snack, lunch, and water bottle this week

-If you want to bring school supplies, you can! However, Ms. Ward will provide all necessary materials this week.

-School supply lists will go out once we assemble into our new classes

-Get lots of sleep and be patient with yourself as we get back into our routines!


I missed you all!

-Ms. Ward


Have an amazing summer!

I am so proud of our Division 5 learning community! I hope everyone enjoys a well-deserved, safe, and restful summer break. I will occasionally update the blog with articles, videos, and fun facts that I encounter over the next few months. To those of you who are leaving our school this year: we will miss you and hope you stay in touch! Lochdale will always be open to you.

To those of us who are returning in the Fall: I am so excited to see you!

Embarking on our final week of school!

Hey students and families!

I can’t believe we are approaching our final week of school for the 2021-2022 year! I am so proud of everything our class has achieved. Here are some important reminders for the next few days:

-On Tuesday we will be having some outside time in the afternoon with the entire school! Please bring a blanket or towel to sit on, and some snacks if you’d like.

-We will also be visiting the Grade 7 Math fair Tuesday afternoon

-Please bring a large bag or backpack on Tuesday to take home all supplies, projects, assessments, etc.

-Please bring a water bottle and stay hydrated!

-Dress for the weather: this might mean a hat, sunscreen, and/or sunglasses

-Final assembly and early dismissal on Wednesday. Yearbooks will also be handed out on Wednesday.



Ms. Ward


Helping Bees in our Community:

Our class and our little buddies learned about the importance of mason bees today! We learned that there are many different species of bees, including bumblebees, honeybees, leafcutter bees, and mason bees. They all serve an important role in their ecosystem by pollinating plants! We decorated our own ‘bee house’ with our names and will hang it up later this week. Hopefully, some bees use this structure to stay safe and sheltered!

To learn more about how humans and bees live harmoniously, please watch the video below: