Student Led Conferences, Early Dismissals and other information

Good morning families,

Here is some information for the rest of this week.

Student Led Conferences- Wednesday May 4

A reminder that tomorrow afternoon/ evening is Student Led Conferences. Confirmation times were sent home last week with the first set of conferences beginning at 2:15pm and the last conferences ending at 7:00pm. Please enter and exit through the classroom’s outside door.

Please read through the parent information sheet which gives more information and helpful tips for the conference. Division 12 is very excited! There will be time to go through your child’s portfolio, rotate through stations and time to enjoy a slideshow!

Early Dismissals – May 4 &5

On both Wednesday May 4 and Thursday May 5 there will be early dismissals. Pick will be at 2pm instead of 3pm on those days.

Moving (Back to our original classroom)

We are aiming to move back into our classroom Thursday May 5. We will start the day in Ms. Kal’s room and sometime throughout the day we will be moving back to our homeroom. Pick up on Thursday will be back in our original classroom. I will let all families know if that changes.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Book Fair and May Calendar

Good afternoon families!

Tomorrow the Book Fair is replacing our library time.  I will be putting an envelope in your child’s planner pocket for money.

Please put the money your child is bringing to the book fair into that envelope and put the total on the front of the envelope. In the morning I will collect the envelopes and keep it locked up in my cupboard until I give the envelopes to Ms. Ho.

As Library is my regularly scheduled prep time, I will not be going to the book fair with the class and this system will make things easier for Ms. Ho to support each student.

We have two times to attend the book fair- Tuesday May 3 and Tuesday May 10.

Thank you kindly for your support,

Ms. Toor

Below is our May Classroom Calendar


Classroom Painting

Good afternoon families!

I hope you all had a restful and festive long weekend.

Mr. LaPlante let me know Thursday after school that painting is supposed to begin sometime tomorrow (Tuesday April 19) during our school day.

We will start off our day in our classroom and sometime during the day we will be moving the materials we will need for the next couple weeks into the classroom next door. Please be prepared to pick up your child in the classroom next door tomorrow at 3pm.

**If anything changes I will send out another blog post to families 

Thank you all for your flexibility and patience during this time. Painting should last approximately two weeks if things go ahead as planned. During the duration of the painting we will be in the classroom next door and will not have access to our room until it is finished.

Ms. Toor


Student Led Conference Form

Good afternoon Division 12 families!

In addition to some wet socks coming home today from all the rain and hail… your child is also coming home with a Student Led Conference Form in their planner pocket.

Please fill out the form, select a time that works for your family and return the form in your child’s planner by Wednesday April 20.

Once I receive all the forms I will send it back confirming your scheduled time.

Student Led Conferences will be held on Wednesday May 4.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

P.S. The painting in our classroom has been delayed by a couple days… Maybe the end of this week … Stay tuned! 

April Updates and Calendar

Good afternoon Division 12 families!

I am back to work after a few days off! Sorry for the delay regarding the calendar and monthly updates.

Classroom/ School Painting

Our classroom is next to be painted in the school. We are not sure which day they will begin but it could be at the end of this week or the beginning of next week. During the painting, we will be using Ms. Kal’s classroom which is right next to ours. I will send a blog post when we will be moving there as pick up and drop off will be there too. Please see the map if you are unsure which is Ms. Kal’s classroom.

Outdoor Classroom

Please dress for the weather each day …(ex. Rain coats, ball caps/ hats if its sunny etc.) If you have not brought back your spare change of clothes for the cubbies please bring them back as soon as you can. Please label all clothing as best you can as many students are around the same size and have similar gear.

Fun Lunch

Please continue bringing a plastic bag for garbage on fun lunch days.

Days Off this Month

Friday April 15- Good Friday (No school)

Monday April 18- Easter Monday (No school)

Monday April 25- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)


I will send a copy home this week as well in your child’s planner.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Welcome Back!

Good afternoon Division 12 families!

Today’s planner message says “Bring extra clothes and shoes.”

This week please bring back extra clothes, socks and shoes/ boots back to school to be kept in your child’s cubby.

Please label the bag and all clothing as many students have the same gear and are close in size.

Thank you very much! Stay tuned later this week for our April calendar and updates!

Ms. Toor

Last Week of School

Good morning Division 12!

We have two more days left at school before Spring Break!

All students will be bringing home their items in their cubby (extra clothes and shoes) either on Thursday or Friday.  Please let me know if you are heading on vacation early, so I can plan on sending items home early.  

**If you have any extra plastic bags, I would be happy to have them for wet clothes and for taking items home**

Reports- Thursday March 10

Reports will be going home tomorrow afternoon. I will continue to upload pictures on Freshgrade for you to view.

Spirit Day – Friday March 11

On Friday school staff and students are asked to wear their Suncrest wear or our school colours which are black and yellow.

Spring Break – March 14- 25

See everyone on the first day back after Spring Break (Monday March 28).

Thank you and have a great Spring Break!

Ms. Toor


Upcoming Dates

Good afternoon families!

We have a couple long weekends coming up!

Family Day – Monday February 21

The school will be closed on Monday February 21. Have a wonderful long weekend! Tomorrow your children will be bringing their Kindness Coupon Books home to share with you. The class has worked really hard on idea generation and phonetic spelling for this activity. Have fun and enjoy what your child has in mind your family time.






**Tuesday is Library after the long weekend**

Pink Shirt Day – Wednesday February 23

Join us in celebrating our diversity by wearing pink. Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of issues such as bullying, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem.

Professional Development Day – February 25 

The school will be closed on Friday February 25 for students as staff are busy learning.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

February Updates

Good afternoon Division 12 families,

Here are some updates for February:

Fun Lunch dates (for families that pre ordered): 

February 4 – Pizza

February 11 – Subway

February 18 – Pizza

Please remember to bring a bag for your garbage (to take home)**

Valentine’s Day (Monday February 14): 

Our class will be celebrating by participating in fun Valentine’s day activities throughout the day. Individually wrapped treats and cards can be given out to the class. I will send home another updated class list on Monday next week.

Family Day – February 21

The school will be closed. Have a wonderful long weekend!

Pink Shirt Day – February 23

Join us in celebrating our diversity by wearing pink. Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of issues such as bullying, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem.

Professional Development Day – February 25 

The school will be closed for students as staff are busy learning

Thank you and have an amazing weekend!

Ms. Toor

P.S. Attached is our monthly calendar with special helpers added**


Library (Back on Tuesday January 25)

Good morning Division 12!

Ms. Ho’s meeting is now cancelled Tuesday afternoon which means our Library time on Tuesday is back on.

We will make note in our planners today.

Feel free if you are already done reading your books before the weekend you are more than welcome to bring them back early.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor