TD Grade 1 Book Giveaway Program and Pro-D-Day Friday

Good morning families,

A couple things to note this week:

Thank you again to families who were able to join us for our first family reading! Looking forward to the next one in December along with a portfolio share before the holidays (stay tuned for our December Calendar).

TD Grade 1 Book Giveaway

Today your children will be bringing home a book called “Fast Friends” by Heather M. O’Connor. Each year the TD Grade 1 Book Giveaway gives a book to each student in Grade 1. The book is yours to keep at home and add to your own libraries. Enjoy this story together as a family! 




Pro-D-Day (Friday November 25)

A reminder that Friday is a pro-d-day. No school for students.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Spirit Day and Family Reading tomorrow (Friday November 18)

Good morning families,

Here is some information for the end of the week events!

Family Reading (first one this year)! 

Tomorrow (Nov. 18) is our first Family Reading morning. Please come join us when the first bell rings at 8:50am for about 15-20 minutes. We look forward to welcoming families in to support our literacy development. 

Zoom Spirit Day

Tomorrow (Nov. 18) is Zoom Spirit Day. The theme for this Spirit Day is “Zoom Meeting” which means business/professional attire on top and pyjamas or comfies below! We hope that you can participate in this fun day! House Points for Sports Day will be allocated to those that participate!

Thank you for all your support!

Ms. Toor

November Calendar and Important Information and Dates

Good morning families,

November is here!! As the weather gets colder and wet please be prepared each day with the proper clothing and attire (especially extra socks and clothes to leave at school in your child’s cubby).

Below are some upcoming events and information.


Our classroom code is: RC130056 if you would like to purchase books for your home. I am encouraging students to select books that are “just right” for them. Use the picture below to support you child on how to select books at home or at the library. Hoping in the next couple weeks we will have our online reading program ready to use!








Some great read alouds to enjoy as a family are below and are highly recommended by our Librarian, Ms. Ho.



















Important Dates:

  • Friday November 11- Remembrance Day (No school)
  • Tuesday November 15- Individual Photo Retake Day (Please email me/ write in planner if your child needs a photo retake)
  • Friday November 25- Pro- D-Day (No school for Students)

Below is our Calendar for November:


Missing Jacket

A student in our class is missing a waterproof navy blue Helly Hansen jacket (not insulated). Many students in our class wear the same size or have similar jackets. Please check your home if you have a similar jacket. Thank you 🙂


Continue to read as a family each day using “just right” books

  • Words of the week (will go home at beginning of the week in planners)
  • Words their way (will go home at the end of the week in the planner pocket for you to keep and practice at home) **They are in the envelopes**

If you miss a week of school below is the master copy of the word list and is linked under the handouts section of our class blog.








Family Reading

On Friday November 18th we are going to have our first Family Reading morning. Please come join us for some reading during our soft start in the morning at 8:50-9:10am (ishhh) in our classroom. If it is successful and there is a good turn out, I would love to make it a consistent event on Fridays for the rest of the year! Looking forward to having this event again in our school/ classroom! We have lots of books and stories, but feel free to bring some favourites from your home!

Thank you!

Ms. Toor

November 1st- Pajama Day (P.J. Day) in Division 12

Good afternoon families!

Tomorrow will be a Pajama (P.J.) Day in our class on Tuesday November 1st.

We worked hard as a class the last two months and we earned all of our rocks! Division 12 has asked for a P.J. Day as their class reward.

**Please no stuffed animals or toys from home**

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Suncrest Pumpkin Patch (Please bring a bag)

Good afternoon families!

It has been an exciting fun filled week! Tomorrow is our Pumpkin Patch day at Suncrest.

Division 12 will be enjoying hot chocolate and the pumpkin patch at 11:15am along with Division 11.

Please pack a bag for your child to bring their pumpkin home. We recommend a reusable bag as they are often more durable than plastic. If you have time tonight please label your child’s bag with their name and division number.

Excited to share some photos of what the class has been up to! Here are some from our pumpkin science inquiry the last couple weeks!















Thank you,

Ms. Toor

P.S. There will be a fun activity for you to complete as a family with the pumpkin your child brings home. It will be in the planner pocket tomorrow.

Spirit Day, Math Games Night and other October Reminders

Good morning families,

Spirit Day (our first one this school year)

This Friday October 14 is Funky Career Day at Suncrest. This year we are going to combine (Funky Hair Day with Dress in the Career that you hope to have one day!) Students can earn up to 2 House Points. 1 for Funky Hair and 1 for Dressing up as your future Career!

**Division 12 has already been put into house teams. Sign is on the inside of our classroom door. 

Math Games Night

Family Math Games Night at Suncrest will be held in the gym, on Wednesday, October 26th, from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. There will be a variety of math games to play, and students and families can just come and play together at tables set up in the gym.

October Reminders:

  • Friday October 21 – Pro-D-Day (No school for Students)
  • Friday October 28 – Suncrest Pumpkin Patch
  • Monday October 31- Halloween Parade

**Dress for the weather and bring extra clothes on rainy days

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

October Calendar

Good afternoon Division 12 families,

Hope everyone is having a great long weekend!

A reminder that tomorrow is our Terry Fox Run. Please wear running shoes for this walk, jog or run event.

Below is our October Calendar:

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Welcome to the Blog, Welcome Conversations and Other Important Dates to Note

Good morning Division 12 families,

Welcome to the Blog!

This will be the platform that I will use to communicate upcoming events, theme days, our classroom calendar and any other important information for the school year.

Welcome Conversations

Our first event is the welcome conversations. This will be held virtually on Tuesday September 27 and Wednesday September 28. Thank you in advance to families who have already signed up. If you have not signed up for a time there are times still available for you to select. Instructions are located below.

On both those days students will be dismissed at 2pm.

The meetings will be 10 minutes long and will give us time to talk about your child as well as time to get to know each other.

Please come prepared to answer the following questions about your child as we only have a quick 10 minutes together:

  • Interests/ hobbies
  • Strengths (academic and outside of school)
  • Stretches (skills you hope your child will develop/ learn this school year)
  • Goals for the school year (academic goal)
  • One wish for your child this school year (can be academic, social, or involve growth mindset)

Please have a listen to the story below. After listening to the story please come to the meeting with one wish you have for your child this year. The wish can be academic, social or anything you hope for them this school year.

After reading this story my wish for your children is that they enjoy coming to school each day. Your children have also selected a wish they have for this school year that I will share with you during our meeting.

In addition:

Do you have a skill, interest or knowledge in a particular area? Would it be a good lesson or skill the class could learn about or partake in? In the past I have co-taught or supported a lesson taught by a parent of the class such as teaching Spanish or clay works. Please let me know in the meeting if you are interested in sharing your passion and we can schedule a date and time.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you over Teams,

Ms. Toor

September Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday September 27– Early Dismissal 2pm
  • Wednesday September 28– Early Dismissal 2pm
  • Thursday September 29– Orange Shirt Day
  • Friday September 30– School Closed: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation


Central Park Walking Field Trip

Good afternoon families,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our walking trip to Central Park. We will keep a eye out on the weather and make a decision as a staff in the morning if it rains.

We will be leaving the school at 9:30am and will make our walk back around 2:00pm. Drop off and pick up times are at 8:50am and 3:00pm as usual.

Please ensure your child is already wearing:

  • their swim suit
  • a sun hat
  • suncreen
  • running shoes **for the walk**

Your child will need to bring (in their backpack or spare bag they can carry on their own):

  • water bottle
  • sunscreen (to apply again after lunch)
  • a towel
  • a change of clothes (if needed)
  • sandals or water shoes
  • snack and lunch

P.S. Wednesday June 29 will be a 10am dismissal. No need to bring planners to school after today 🙂

Please note that next school year all primary classes will be going back to communal supplies. Families will need to pay a set fee and teachers will order the necessary school supplies for all students. More information about this will be sent home in September. 

Thank you and looking forward to spending our final full day of school at the park!

Ms. Toor

Portfolios, supplies and extra clothes

Good afternoon families,

We have begun our year end classroom clean up.

Students in Division 12 will start bringing home their portfolios, school supplies and extra clothes/ shoes today.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Ms. Toor