April Calendar and Upcoming Dates

Good morning families!

Here is the April Calendar, upcoming dates and information.

Twin Day- Theme Day on Thursday April 6

We will have another spirit day to earn house points for our team. Twin day is a day to dress the same as a friend, sibling or another member of our school community.


Library Please return books as soon as you are finished with them or by Wednesday each week.

Inside Shoes and Extra Clothes

Friendly reminder to bring extra clothes and shoes to school.  As the weather changes (as well as we have a south facing classroom) you may need to bring some t-shirts and shorts as extra items when the temperature begins to rise.

Scholastic Classroom Code

Our classroom code is: RC130056 if you would like to purchase books for your home to read over the third term and over the summer. April Scholastic catalogue will be coming home this week.


Reading book bags have started going home. Please bring the bag to school each day and every Thursday a new book will be sent home (if your bag has been brought back to school).  New books will not be sent home until the book and bag has been brought back. Damaged or lost books will require a $5 fee as stated on the previous notice (yellow sheet in book bag.) Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Term 3 Themes:

Math: Measurement, Geometry, Financial Literacy

Science: Animal Research, Butterfly Life Cycle, Common Objects in the Sky

Social Studies: Community, Mapping (Natural and Man-Made Features of our local environment)

Art: Dance

ADST: Coding and design

Career and Health Education: Goal setting and Healthy Living

Literacy: Continuing to develop reading skills, comprehension, fluency and continuing to develop sentence structure and writing through forming connections and through story workshop

April Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Friday April 7- Good Friday (No school)

Monday April 10- Easter Monday (No school)

Friday April 14- Family Reading at 8:50am

Monday April 24- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)

Friday April 28- Family Reading at 8:50am

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Welcome back!

Good afternoon families!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Spring Break!

Here is a quick house keeping message:

A reminder to please bring back your indoor shoes, boots and an extra change of clothes to keep in your cubbies. Please label all items and the bag the clothes are in.

Before Spring Break we sent home books for reading practice. Just like planners please bring them back to school each day and once a week I will be giving new books home.

April is already coming up fast and I will make a new blog post with all of our April dates.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

P.S. If you have any report cards envelopes please return so they can be used for Term #3.


March Calendar, Portfolio Share and other important dates

Good afternoon families,

Attached is our March Calendar and important dates to note for the month of March!

Friday March 3- Kindness Bingo Due

Monday March 6- Portfolio Share

Please join us at the first bell at 8:50am to view your child’s portfolio ahead of term 2 reports.

Wednesday March 8- Reports Home

If you have not yet returned your report card envelope please return as soon as you can as we use the same envelope for all 3 terms.

Friday March 10- Last day of school before Spring Break

Students will need to bring a bag to take home all of their belongings from their cubby. After spring break please bring back extra clothes and shoes.

Spring Break March 13- 24 (Back to school Monday March 27)

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

February Calendar and dates

Good afternoon families,

Attached is our calendar for the month of February.

Important dates are listed below:

Friday February 10- Family Reading 8:50am

Tuesday February 14- Valentine’s Day (wear red, pink or white or clothing with hearts)

Monday February 20 – Family Day (No school)

Wednesday February 22- Pink Shirt Day

Friday February 24- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)


Thank you and stay tuned for more information when it becomes available throughout the month!

Ms. Toor


Literacy Week (Jan. 30- Feb. 3)

Good morning families!

Our literacy week notice went home in your child’s planner on Friday! Our school theme for Literacy Week is “Literacy is Everywhere!”

Each day there will be some activities to participate in! Below is some information that went home on the notice. Participation in both the theme days and at home reading bingo will enter you in to win prizes!

Monday Jan. 30- Shirts with words

Thursday Feb. 2- Dress up like your favourite character day (from a book)

Friday Feb. 3 – PJ and stuffie day

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Welcome back!

Good morning families!

Happy new year and welcome back! It has been a great two days catching up with everyone and sharing about our holidays! Here are a few reminders, house keeping information and the calendar for the month! As it is still early on in the month there may be dates added as we go along!

Extra shoes and clothes:

Please bring back to school your extra clothes and shoes. A friendly reminder to please label your bag and all items of clothing as many students are around the same size. As we go outside each day for recess, lunch and outdoor activities please bring extra socks, rain coat, rain pants and boots. If clothing gets sent home, please replace as needed.

Outdoor Classroom:

We will continue to go outdoors each Thursday rain or shine to explore themes in our curriculum and explore our community by partaking in a variety of learning activities. Please be prepared for the weather each week.


As we are moving into the second term and developing our skills, it’s important to continue reading each day for 10-20 minutes. Part of this time can be going through the previous weeks words their way cards to develop our phonemic awareness, looking at the words of the week on cue cards to develop our sight word vocabulary, playing reading games, reading on raz-kids or writing in journals.


Library will continue to be each Wednesday morning. To take out new books, please return your books each week. Ms. Ho and I are continuing to encourage Division 12 to take out two books around their reading level and one book a family member can read.

Black Excellence Day – Friday January 13:

In our classroom we will be starting the conversation with age appropriate literature to  introduce Black Excellence Day to students and to continue guiding our learning for students who were introduced to the Black Shirt Day movement the past few years.

Family Reading- Friday January 20:

Please join us for our next Family Reading morning from the first bell 8:50-9:10am.


Below is our calendar for the month

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

End of the week information


Good morning families!

What a great performance! So proud of Suncrest and Division 12!

Here is some information for the end of the week! Please note we have a new event to attend as a class on Thursday afternoon. 


  • Reports go home. Please return signed envelope.
  • Library


  • Winter accessory day! Students are asked to wear their favourite winter accessories including hats, scarves, and mittens.
  • Our Grade 7 students have a fundraiser and have created a market with handmade items that they will be selling. Items range from .50 cents to $5.00. We will be attending at 1:40 if you would like to send along a $1 or so to support the grade 7’s. They are raising Money for their end of the year trip. Please keep money in a small ziploc, wallet or envelope (with your child’s name) as I will hang onto it until the event. 


  • PJ Day and stuffie day! Students are asked to wear Pj’s and bring a stuffie. We will have a movie in the afternoon and our pancake breakfast is at 10am.
  • Please bring a bag to take home all clothes and shoes from your child’s cubby as there will be a classroom/ school clean over the holiday break.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


December Dates, Information and Calendar!

Good morning families!

The countdown is on! 10 more days of school before we close for the holidays. Below are some important dates and information.

December 5-9: Food Drive 

All items will be donated to a local organization in need.  Any non-perishable items will be much appreciated!

December 5-9: Winter Musical Rehearsals

Everyday this week Division 12 will be rehearsing for the musical in the gym at 9:15am. If you are running behind and are late for school while we are in the gym please sign in at the office as attendance has already been taken prior to that time.

Friday December 9: Portfolio share

Division 12 would like to invite our families in to see what we have been working on this term. Please join us at 8:50am when the first bell rings.

Monday December 12: Dress Rehearsal

Tuesday December 13: Winter Musical Performance

Division 12 will be performing on this day at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. Please bring back the yellow form for your tickets.

Wednesday December 14: Reports Home

Please bring back your signed envelop. The report in the envelope is yours to keep along with our term overview.

Thursday December 15: Winter Accessories Day

Wear Toques/Mittens/ Scarves etc for House Team points

Friday December 16: Last day of school

  • Pancake Breakfast 10am
  • PJ and bring a stuffie day
  • Bring a back to take home extra clothes and shoes


Thank you for all your support during this busy holiday season!

Ms. Toor

Raz-Kids Online Reading Program

Good morning families!

Our online reading program Raz-Kids is now set up!

Your child’s username and password will be in their planner pocket today along with their next words their way envelopes.

The notice will have your child’s username and password to their Raz-Kids account. Suncrest asks that you please keep your passwords private and kept in a safe place in your home to refer back to.

I have already added in your emails under your child’s account (the primary email I have on file so you do not have to bring the bottom of the form). You will have access through the Raz-Kids app and internet browswer.

My username is ctoor0 as you will need it to log onto the account.

The website to sign onto is https://www.raz-kids.com/

I am very excited to begin this program and I look forward to seeing your children develop their literacy skills.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor