Walking Field Trips, Suncrest Water Park Day and Sports Day Information

Good morning families,

Below is some information for our walking field trips, Suncrest Water Park Day and Sports Day which is this Friday (tomorrow)!

Walking Field Trips:

I double checked with Mr. LaPlante and other staff who are going to the park. As we are walking to and from both parks we will not be needing a permission form for Central Park and David Grey Park. Right now we have enough parents for each trip and if you are available and wanting to join us please let me know as we would love to have you join us! 

Below is the information again for each trip:

 Central Park Primary Walking Field Trip

  • Friday June 23 (All Day)-Volunteers please be at the school for 9:15am

David Grey Park Walking Field Trip with Ms. Silva’s Class

  • Tuesday June 27 (9:45-12:30pm)- Volunteers please be at the school for 9:30am 

Please ensure your child has the following for both days in their backpack that they are able to carry on their own:

  • Come to school wearing their swim suit (there are no change rooms at the park or at the school to change)
  • Wear appropriate shoes for walking (bring sandals in backpack) 
  • Towel (to dry off or to sit on)
  • Water bottle 
  • Snack and lunch 
  • Suncreen and Hat

Suncrest Water Park (Thursday June 22)

On Thursday June 22 our class has a time slot for Suncrest Water Park at 1:40pm-2:20pm.

Please have your child come to school in their swimsuit underneath their clothes as there is no change room at school or at the park. After the water park students will dry off as much as they can in the sun before coming back into the school.

Along with wearing their swimsuit please have your child bring:

  • a towel
  • suncreen and hat
  • water shoes for the park

**If students do not want to go into the water there is the playground and other activities during that time at the park**

Sports Day Friday June 16 (wear your house team colour)

This Friday is Suncrest’s Sports Day! We are looking forward to having families join us again for this event! Please meet Division 12 on the field for the Bike Parade which is the first event at 9:20am. Please ensure your child has a water bottle for the day as we will be rotating from station to station.


Thank you!

Ms. Toor

Library Books Due on Monday June 12

Good afternoon families!

Ms. Ho has confirmed the date that all Suncrest Library books are due back to the school.

The date is this upcoming Monday June 12.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

June calendar, important dates and year end procedures

Good afternoon families,

June came way too fast this school year!

Below is some information about upcoming dates as well as the calendar.


Last Library Day will be June 7th. All books must be returned the week after for Ms. Ho to start getting ready for the next school year!

Sports Day Spirit Week:

  • Monday June 12th  RED DAY
  • Tuesday June 13th BLUE DAY
  • Wednesday June 14th GREEN DAY
  • Thursday June 15th YELLOW DAY

If you are not sure what team you are on there is a list on the classroom outside door. Please check this week if you are unsure.

2 points total per person:

  • One for just a single item of the colour of the day
  • One more for all the extra accessories and multiple items

Sports Day!

Ms. Silva is looking for volunteers to help with a station that requires adult support. Please let me know or email Ms. Silva if you’d be willing to help out.

Early Dismissals:

  • Friday June 16- 2pm Dismissal on Sports Day 
  • Monday June 19- 2pm Dismissal
  • Thursday June 29- 10am Dismissal 

Walking Field Trips:

**I am still looking for a couple parents for our walking trips on Friday June 23 (All Day) and Tuesday June 27 (9:45-12:30pm). **

For these days please ensure your child has the following (as Central Park has a waterpark and David Grey might have their small wadding pool open).

  • Come to school wearing their swim suit (there are no change rooms at the park or at the school to change)
  • Wear appropriate shoes for walking (bring sandals in backpack) 
  • Towel
  • Water bottle 
  • Snack and lunch 
  • Suncreen and Hat

We also might be scheduling a trip to Suncrest Water Park – please stay tuned for dates on the blog or in planners.

June Calendar and other important dates:

June 26- School work will start heading home 

June 29- Last day of school and reports home

Thank you for everything this school year!

Ms. Toor


Volunteers Needed! Two Walking Field Trips in June

Good morning Families!

We are wrapping up the year with two walking field trips in June.

One will be to Central park on Friday June 23rd and one will be to David Gray Park on Tuesday June 27.

Central Park will be an all day trip and I am still putting the times together for David Gray.

I would like to know as soon as possible as both trips involve walking and I do need extra bodies to go off site.

Extra adults would help ensure our safety while walking to the parks, extra supervision during activities and supervision to and from the washrooms.

Please let me know if you can volunteer through email if you can join us for one or both of those days.

Thank you in advance.

Ms. Toor

May Calendar, Book Fair Information and Upcoming Dates

Good morning families!

Was so nice seeing all of you yesterday afternoon and evening for our student-led conferences.

A reminder that today is an early dismissal at 2pm. 

Below is some information for the month and upcoming dates:

Book Fair

Next week is the Scholastic Book fair at Suncrest. It will run on Monday May 8, Wednesday May 10 and Thursday May 11. Our class will be going to visit during our Library time (Wednesday May 10). It will also be open after school (until 4pm) for families to accompany their children to purchase books and other items the book fair has to offer.

There will be two options for book fair this year:

Option 1: If you are planning on sending your child with money to school on the day there is library (Wednesday May 10) please bring the money in an envelope or bag with your child’s name and amount on the front as I will keep all money locked up until our time to visit the book fair.

Option 2: As our class is still learning the value of money I highly recommend browsing the online catalogue prior to the book fair to either purchase books or decide which books your family is interested in purchasing at the book fair.

Here is the link to browse the catalogue and make purchases:


Upcoming Dates

Monday May 22- Victoria Day (No school)

Friday May 26- Pro-D-Day (No school for students) 

May Calendar

Dress for the Weather

A friendly reminder that our class faces south and gets very warm in the afternoons on sunny days. Please take that into consideration when getting dressed each morning or bring some t-shirts and shorts to leave in your child’s cubby.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Student-Led forms, Family Reading and Class/ School Picture Day

Good morning families,

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Below is some information about the next couple weeks!

This week at school is drill week. We will be practicing all our safety drills at various times of the day. If you are late (after 9:15am) or coming back to school after an appointment please go to the office as we may be in the middle of a drill and will not be able to open the classroom door. 

Student- Led Conferences (May 4) and Forms (Due Today)*

Just a friendly reminder that Student-Led forms are due back today. Please bring them to school today or as soon as you can so I can begin scheduling families.

Student-Led Conferences are held this year on Thursday May 4th from 2-7pm. Early dismissal both May 4 and 5th at 2pm. 

Family Reading Friday April 28 @8:50am

Family Reading will be held this Friday at 8:50am! We look forward to having families join us for the first 20 mins of our day.

Class Photos and School Wide Picture: Monday May 1

Our day for our class photos (all of Division 12 together) and school wide picture will be held on Monday May 1st. We are not sure what time of the day as of right now so please be prepared for primary classes to go earlier in the day (probably before recess).

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Student-Led Conferences, Early Dismissal information and other upcoming dates

Good morning families,

Below is some information on some upcoming events:

Student-Led Conferences and Early Dismissals:

Yesterday the Student Led Conferences form and sign up sheet was sent home (yellow forms in your child’s front planner pocket).  Student-Led Conferences this year will be held on Thursday May 4 after school starting at 2:15pm to 7pm.

On both Thursday May 4th and Friday May 5th we will have an early dismissal at 2pm. 

Please send the forms back on or before Tuesday April 25th. I will send confirmation forms to everyone after I create the schedule providing times that work best for each family on Friday the 28th.

Student-Led Conferences is a great event for families to come into the classroom, view your child’s working portfolio, and participate in some learning stations all led by your child.

Looking forward to seeing everyone that afternoon/ evening!

Other Upcoming Dates

Monday April 24- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)

Friday April 28- Family Reading @ 8:50am

Thursday May 4- Student-Led Conferences (Early Dismissal @ 2pm)

Friday May 5- Early Dismissal @ 2pm


Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Reminder about Look- A -Like “Twin Day” tomorrow

Good afternoon families!

A reminder that tomorrow is “Twin Day.”

Twin day is a day to dress the same as a friend, sibling or another member of our school community. Dress up to earn points for your house team.

If your child does not have a twin! They can be mine!

I will be wearing black pants, a white shirt and a jean (blue) jacket.

See you tomorrow!

Ms. Toor