December Fundraiser (Friday December 15)

Good afternoon families,

This Friday Mr. Peirlot and Mr. Chung’s (Grade 6/7s) classes are hosting a fundraiser in their classrooms. We have a time to visit their “Class Market” on Friday and most school made items are 1-5 dollars in price. Some items that have been made for purchase include bracelets and bookmarks. If your child is interested in participating in the fundraiser please have money in envelopes/ bags with names and dollar amount to make things easier for this event.

Thank you in advance!

Ms. Toor

December Calendar

Good afternoon families!

A reminder that this week is going to be a rainy one! On top of dressing for the weather, please have our child bring or wear boots and bring extra socks and pants.

Attached is the December Calendar.

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Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Family Reading and Popcorn Sale Tomorrow

Hi families,

Family Reading

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our final Family Reading morning of 2023. We will start at the first bell a 8:50am. In December we will have a morning where we will invite families in to have a portfolio share to show all our work over the term. Date to be announced but will be before the first term reports go home.

Popcorn Sale

We still have bags to sell for our fundraiser. We have all the flavours but the Butter Salt kind. If you would like to purchase another bag please bring $3 tomorrow.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Popcorn Sale and Book Fair

Good morning families!

Popcorn Sale!

Tomorrow the school is having a Popcorn Sale to raise money for our Winter Concert and Choir.

If you child is wanting to buy please bring $3 in an envelope or bag with their name on it and what flavour they are wanting to buy. As of right now I am not sure when the sale will occur and it would be easier if I kept the money until the sale happens to avoid any misplaced coins.

Book Fair

Next week Suncrest will be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair on Monday December 4, Tuesday December 5 and Friday December 8. It will be open after school on those days from 3-4pm and open to our class during our Library time on Tuesday.

Sent home yesterday was a notice that shared some of the books available to purchase. As Our students in Division 12 are younger and may require adult assistance to make meaningful purchases at the book fair, we recommend students to look around with their families on Monday after school before making purchases during our Library visit on Tuesday.

Please have a conversation together prior to our Library visit to the book fair Tuesday and select some books your child might want to purchase. When sending your child to school with money please write their name on a bag/ envelope, write down the dollar amount and the book titles or photos they are wanting to purchase as Ms. Ho and I can help support them.

Thank you for all your support! Last year this worked really well for my Grade 1s and helped the 30 minute visit to the book fair run very smoothly.

Ms. Toor




Spirit Day (Tomorrow) Thursday Nov 23

Good morning families!

Tomorrow is our next spirit day!

Glamorous (Glam day) is a day where students get to wear their most fabulous outfit! Could be one that is the most dazzling, sparkling or an outfit you enjoy wearing! 

This could include ties, tiaras, sparkly/ bejewelled items or something flashy.

Wear your most “Glam outfit” and earn a  point for your house team! All points added up throughout the year will contribute to the total number on Sports Day in June!

Thank you and looking forward to seeing everyone’s outfits!

Ms. Toor

Literacy Notes

Good morning families!

Guided Reading Books (Book Bag)

Yesterday we started our guided reading take home book program. Each Thursday your child will bring home a new book to focus on. Please have your child bring their book bag to school each day as we will practice both at school and at home. In the classroom we will also be focusing on pre, during and post reading strategies with our books as well.

Grade 1s are working on decoding text and developing their reading strategies.

Some Grade 2s are working on decoding text as well, comprehension and are focusing on reading out loud with fluency and expression.

Looking forward to working as a team with families!



Our online reading program Raz-Kids is now set up!

Your child’s username and password will be in their planner pocket today along with their next words their way envelopes.

The notice will have your child’s username and password to their Raz-Kids account. Suncrest asks that you please keep your passwords private and kept in a safe place in your home to refer back to.

I have already added in your emails under your child’s account (the primary email I have on file so you do not have to bring the bottom of the form). You will have access through the Raz-Kids app and internet browswer.

My username is ctoor0 as you will need it to log onto the account.

The website to sign onto is

I am very excited to begin this program and I look forward to seeing your children develop their literacy skills.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

PJ Day tomorrow (November 1st)

Good afternoon families!

Tomorrow (Thursday November 1st) will be a Pajama Day in our class.

We also wrote this message in our planners.

Thank you and have a safe night!

Ms. Toor

P.S. In the goody bag I gave out there is a glow stick inside for Trick or Treating tonight!

Photo Re-Takes, Words their Way, Family Reading, Pumpkin Patch, Halloween

Good afternoon Families,

Here are some reminders for the last little bit of October!

Photo Re-takes:

Photo re-takes are this Friday October 27 (sometime in the morning). Please write a note in the planner, comment on this post or send me an email to let me know if your child will be taking a re-take photo as I only have the list of those students who were away on the first photo day.

Words their Way:

Our “Words their Way” program has started in our classroom. We have students working in various groups focusing on initial sounds, digraphs, vowels and letter blends. Each week your child will bring home an envelop of cards to practice. They are yours to keep after we spend the week focusing on certain cards. Words their way is a great program that supports students phonetic awareness for writing and spelling.

Family Reading:

This Friday October 27th please join us from 8:50-9:10am for Family Reading to start off our day! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Pumpkin Patch:

Suncrest’s Pumpkin Patch is this Friday October 27. Our time for Hot Chocolate is 11:15am and our time to select pumpkins is at 11:30-11:45am. Parents are always welcome to join us! Please have your child bring a bag to carry their pumpkin in to take home.


On Tuesday October 31 Suncrest will be having their Halloween Parade after lunch. Start time is at 1:15, Parents are welcome to join us in the gym for the parade. After the parade we will have a halloween party with a short film, games and snacks. If you would like to bring a snack for the group to eat, please ensure it is individually wrapped and nut free as we do have allergies in neighbouring classes.

Thank you!

Ms. Toor

Suncrest Spirit Day (Dynamic Duo Day) and Pro-D-Day Friday

Good morning families!

It was wonderful meeting up with you last week during our Welcome Conversations!

Here are some updates for the week!

Spirit Day! Thursday October 19

Suncrest is having it’s first Spirit Day on Thursday October 19!

Our class will be divided today into 4 teams for Spirit Days and Sports Day (June 2024). Each Spirit Day you can earn points for your house team which will contribute to your team’s sports day total.

The teams are:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Green

This Thursday October 19 is Dynamic Duo Day. This is a day where you and a friend (or group of friends) can dress up as something that often goes together. You can dress up in the colours or wear a sign/ dress up as a character. It is up to you!

Some examples include:

  • Batman and Robin
  • Peanut butter and Jelly
  • Salt and pepper
  • Elephant and Piggie
  • Ketchup and Mustard

Pro-D-Day Friday October 20

A reminder there is no school for students on Friday! Enjoy your long weekend!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Welcoming Conversations, Early Dismissals and Family Reading

Good morning families of Division 12!

The blog is up and running! I have added all parent’s primary email accounts and have subscribed you all to the blog. Each time I post you will get an email to the link and you will be able to see class updates, news and important dates for the school. If you “un-subscribe” you will not get an email that I have posted.

Welcoming Conversations

Thank you to all the families who have signed up for a conference time. If you have not yet there are times still available on both evenings. Please see the email that was sent out to families last week to sign up. The conferences will be on Wednesday October 11 and Thursday October 12 from 2-6pm.

As conferences will be a short 10 minutes please be prepared to answer the following questions about your child:

  • What are your child’s interests?
  • What are your child’s strengths?
  • What are your child’s stretches? (things you want them to develop or work on)
  • What are two goals you have for your child this school year? (1 academic and social emotional or 2 academic goals)


Question for/ about parents:

  • Do you have any skills/ hobby or career you’d like to share or teach the class?
  • Does your family celebrate any cultural holidays? (so we can celebrate and learn about it in the classroom)

Early Dismissals:

Students will be dismissed from school on Wednesday October 11 and Thursday October 12 at 2pm for our conversations.

Family Reading:

Our first Family Reading morning will be in our classroom Friday October 13 at the first bell (8:50-9:10am).  Looking forward to having you join us!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor