April 20 -Daily Activities

Good morning Division 11.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted and re-submitted on forms with preference times for Zoom conferences. Once I get everyone’s response I will be able to make a schedule with individual conference times and group times.

Looking forward to adding that aspect of learning into the mix and get us re-connected with each other in a new way.

Today we are going to focus on literacy, mathematics and social studies.

  1. Reading-Bingo April 20- May 4    As reading is a very important part of learning and our day in grades 1 and 2 I have created a Reading Bingo sheet. This sheet offers fun ways to incorporate read at home. Remember to read 20 minutes each day. There will be a new one sent out in a couple weeks (May 4) with different options to make reading fun and a part of every day. Please post a picture when completed on FreshGrade, remember to tick at least one reading activity you have completed a day. 

2. 2D Riddle Doc

Name that shape! Before getting into 3D shapes this week, here are some fun riddles for you to guess what the 2D shape is. A list of possible shapes is listed underneath the riddles on the document and under this post. Post to FreshGrade when completed. Use your models from last week to help you identify or from the list.






3. Read Aloud and Litter Bug Art

Earth day is this Wednesday April 22nd. To get us thinking about what we can do for our planet and to get us started on the topic begin with the read aloud posted below.

Listen to the story Why Should I Recycle by Jen Green. Think about materials that you can recycle from the story. Are the similar to materials you recycle at home? Think about how you sort your garbage at home and at school? Where does the garbage go?

With some recycling you have at home, re-use some materials and create your own litter bugs. Below are some examples of what other students create. Ms. Silva’s class did this a little while back. Post your litter bug to FreshGrade.

So excited to see your learning this week!

Ms. Toor

April 17- Daily Activities

Good morning Division 11

Today is Friday Letters to Ms. Toor. Each week I will write a letter on the blog. The first task each Friday will be to read my letter and the second would be to discuss questions asked with your family to brain storm (web optional but encouraged to sort out ideas prior to writing) and write back to me by posting a picture of your letter to FreshGrade.

Here is my letter today.

Dear Division 11,

Thank you for your letters last week. It was so nice to see all of your writing and read what you have been up to at home with your families. This week I have been busy planning learning activities that are fun and engaging as in many of your letters you talked about enjoying the activities that involve art, reading, math ADST, creative thinking and movement. I will try my best to incorporate those into our activities. Today I am going to share with you my “ooopps” moment during this time of self-isolation in my letter, because today you will be sharing with me a funny moment or something that did not go as planned similar to the story I am about to share with you.

Last week I ran out of my “candy stash”. I have not been leaving my house to go shopping very often and thought about what to do. Most of my shopping has been done online so I googled my favourite store…Bulk Barn! Little did I know they have a place to order online and pick it up the next day! WOOOOO! How awesome! I started searching up my favourite candy (Alans Sour Cherries and Sour Cola Bottles of course). I got to the place where I had to write down the quantity. Unsure of the price and how to decide the quantity of the candy I decided to order in scoops. I usually put in 6 or 7 Ms. Toor scoops which at the time I thought would be plenty.

Fast forward to the next day. I ask Ms. Toor 2.0 to join me on a drive during lunch time to drive over the bridge to get the candy. We park, I get out with my sanitizer and credit card and walk into the store. I give the cashier my name as I was the only one in the store and she said. “Oh you’re that really big order, I will be right back.” In my head I was thinking I only ordered two things, maybe it’s the wrong order she was thinking about. She came back with a bag shaped like a large pumpkin. She said to me “sour cherries and cola bottles, 7 scoops.” “That’s me,” I said. “You ordered a lot of candy.” I was so nervous to see how much it cost…$ 70!!!!!!!!!

I paid and left thinking what am I going to tell my sister. I bought $70 worth of candy for myself “ooopps!” I got to the car and Ms. Toor 2.0 was laughing so hard because the bag was so heavy and I was having trouble carrying it. I have the candy in many small bins stored around my home. In just over 2 weeks I move into an apartment and thinking where is all this candy going to go. We ended up laughing so hard the whole way home. Parents if you buy from Bulk Barn, their scoops are huge


Ms. Toor

Today we are going to focus on idea generating, writing, mathematics in connection with art, and beginning some more about community which will be connected to many other curricular components in the next couple weeks. Today I would like you to…


  1. Remember an “ooopps” moment is something that did not go as planned. What has been your “ooopps” moment during your time at home? Write a letter back to me about your “ooopps” moment and post a picture of your letter on FreshGrade.

2. 2D Shape Art. Friday afternoons in the classroom is always our art day. Lets continue that each week at home. For the assignment you will need …

Paper, pencil, black felt, sharpie or crayon, any type of colours (crayons, water colour paint, pencil crayon, pastel or crayons). The picture below is an example of the art you will create. Use different 2D shapes you have learned to create your piece of art. You may also want shapes to trace, for example a can to make circles.

Take a look at the link below and posted on FreshGrade as the file was too large to post here. On the link it is the second activity labelled pastel art.


3. Lets get outside and go for a walk with your family, think about the community we live in. What kind of jobs? What is in our environment? How does our community run? What kind of landmarks or buildings? We will be exploring it more in the upcoming weeks.

Can’t wait to read your letters,

Ms. Toor

April 16- Activities

Yesterdays “The Best Part of Me” activity was amazing! It was so nice to see you highlight other strengths and interests that went along with the part of you that you chose. As a teacher I am so proud to see you notice your own strengths and share your  learning with me in such powerful words and imagery.

Today we will be focusing on ‘Critical Thinking’ Core Capacity in connection with art, Mathematics and Reading. Today I would like you to…

  1. It’s Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a puzzle piece! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.

2. Watch the 2D shape video
Let’s get familiar with 2D shapes, what they look like, how many sides and points they have and identifying them by name. Keep an eye out for the shapes you have around you environment. We may be going on another hunt next week. Use the following sheet to help keep track of the 2D shapes you are learning.  Remember 2D means flat when it comes to types of shape. 3D we will get into next week means fat. Excited to get into more of that next week.

Marshmallowshapes (click the link for PDF)

Optional supplementary activity for hands on learning: If you have marshmallows and toothpicks or raw spaghetti you can create 2D shape models, or even with popsicle sticks, sticks from outside. Whatever you have available to work with, could be large or small. Post to FreshGrade as I would love to see what you used.

3. Record yourself reading on Raz-Kids. Everyone has been given their up to date level after an assessment before spring break.

  • Watch the video on how to record yourself reading on Razkids
  • https://www.raz-kids.com/shared/video.html?id=286
  • Login into Razkids and follow the steps (if you need your username/ password please email me and I can send it)
  • Begin recording yourself reading any book at the level I assigned you (takes about 10-15min) Note: all your child’s accounts have the level there, pick any book option available as Raz-Kids should offer books to you at the assigned level I selected. Please email if you are unsure.
  • Complete the comprehension component (quiz) following the reading

**Remember some of you are working on different things like fluency, comprehension, decoding text etc. Keep those reading goals in mind while reading. This is also many of your first try at recording yourselves online.

**If it does not work take a video of your child reading or a voice recording. Videos can be uploaded to FreshGrade and voice recordings on your device can be emailed directly to me if you are unable to record through Raz-Kids. If you try a video please just point the camera onto the screen (book) to limit nervousness.

On Raz-Kids I will be able to view your recording and follow along with the words from the book you chose! Looking forward to hearing you read. It is something I miss hearing and doing with you every day.

Ms. Toor

April 15- Daily Activities

Good morning Division 11.

The work I am seeing submitted on Freshgrade is so thoughtful and full of hard work.

I would like to take this time to share the following learning themes we will be focusing on this term. We will be continuing with the development of skills in literacy (reading and writing),  geometry, time, water cycle, measurement, ADST, and financial literacy (number sense and currency). I will be trying my best to centre future activities around these themes. However, some activities can connect to multiple subject areas or dive into important topics like social emotional learning. We will continue to learn with a place based, inquiry approach and focus on the core competencies in the curriculum like we would if we were in the classroom. This allows for students to gain an understanding through experience, exploration and discovering personal strengths.

Report cards are still required to be written in June. Any work submitted through Freshgrade will help me to assess your child more accurately in order to write an authentic report. Please do what you can each day and remember to post on Freshgrade when you are ready, that could mean the next day or taking the weekend, a time like this means flexibility. Thank you for your help and cooperation through these uncertain times!

Today we are going to focus on reading, writing and creative thinking in art and mathematics. Today I would like you to…

  1. Listen to the book “The Best Part of Me” by Wendy Ewald

2. When you are finished listening to the story, discuss what you noticed about the book. After discussing what you noticed, think about some of your favourite parts of you. Pick your favourite things about yourself and take a photo of it just like in the book. Write a description to go with your picture about why you like that part about yourself. You can use descriptive words, you can write using rhyme and your writing can use imagery which is using words to make the reader picture what you are talking about in their heads. Please post to Fresh Grade.

3. Think about the 2D shapes you looked for from your shape hunt. Below are templates of 3 shapes we were looking for. Create as many things you can that using the shape and give it colour. For example one square can be turned into a dice and another can become a picture frame. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Please post to Freshgrade when completed.

Link for activity or printable templates or click on the pictures above.

Ms. Toor

Highlights of week #1 of remote learning

I am so proud to be your teacher! Look at all the wonderful work you’ve done this week from home.

Each week I am going to share our learning through the blog to highlight our weekly activities. A huge part of our classroom is sharing our learning with each other and being proud of what we create as learners, readers, writers, artists, scientists, engineers, mathematicians etc. No images or names of students will be posted on the blog (they will be cropped or blurred out) for privacy reasons.

Here are some of our highlights this week!














April 14- Daily Activities

Good Morning Division 11!

I hope you all had a great long weekend. I have read all your letters and am going to spend today responding to them and all of your questions on Fresh Grade. They were so thoughtful and a great activity to begin working on your writing.

Today we are going to focus on loose parts creativity and reading to start off our second week. Today I would like you to…

  1. Loose Part Hunt

Three mornings a week in our class we would start our day by using loose parts or what we call “STEM bins” to create something that the students are interested in, enjoy creating, or is curious about. STEM stands for “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.” This activity allows the students to settle in, get engaged, creative and be hands on when we start our days. We will do this once or twice a week from our homes depending on the weekly activities.

For today’s activity I would like students to go around the house, in the backyard or neighbourhood and look for loose parts that they can use to create something. Loose parts can be almost anything and there are almost no limitations except for respecting others belongings or nature. For example, LEGO, bottle caps, beads, rocks, buttons, popsicle sticks, leaves, twigs etc. The students know what loose parts are and are familiar creating with them outside, during stem activities and story workshop. If it is okay with your parents you can talk about finding a special place to store these items at home for when you want to play with them and when we need them for more activities. When we are finished with the loose parts collection remember to return the objects where we found them like we do in Outdoor Classroom.

For more loose part ideas check out  How We Learn

Here are some examples from our learning this year to help get some ideas:
















2. Loose Part Creation

Create something using the loose parts you collected. When you are finished making your creation or image, please take a picture and upload it to Fresh Grade. I look forward to seeing everyone’s creativity!


  1. Reading Stamina for 15-20 minutes

Every day we will continue reading for 15-20 minutes even though we are not altogether. Get into your cozy spot and read to self for 15-20 minutes. Remember if one book is not enough during that time grab a couple to sit with. If you are using Epic! or Raz-Kids pick out your books in advance, so you are able to read the entire time during stamina, instead of searching for a book. Similar to what we do in class, book exchange or search prior to our reading time is important for stamina.









April 9- Daily Activities

Hi Everyone!

Posting early since I will be decorating my car early in the morning for the parade, hope to see some of you out there tomorrow.

Today we are going to focus on idea generation, writing and creative thinking. Today I would like you to…

This term we will be focusing on personal writing. This will include letter writing, journaling, making connections and some story writing. Yes! Comic strip stories too like promised!

  1. Read my letter and discuss with your families some of the activities and family time you have had over the last few weeks together. Make a brain storm web with your family and write down on the outside of the web a list of things you’ve done or accomplished together. This will help you generate ideas prior to writing, similar to what we discuss as a class prior to beginning to write.

2. Write a letter to back to me.

After discussing with your families and making a brainstorm web with ideas write a letter to Ms. Toor. Here are some ideas to add in your letter…

  • Start your letter with Dear Ms. Toor
  • Write sentences with a capital letter at the beginning (names have capital letters) punctuation at the end of your sentence, spaces in between words and full ideas.
  • Answer some questions I asked in my letter
  • Ask Ms. Toor a question or two
  • Sign your name

Attached is a picture of my letter to all of you. I will write a comment back (in letter form) after reading a picture of your letter in Fresh grade. Feel free to use the templates below or your own paper.

Remember to use our tools for spelling. Slowly sound out words you are unsure about, write down the letter sounds you hear. Try first before you ask for help or look up the word in a dictionary.

















3. “Think outside the box Thursday”

This is going to be a regular activity because it sparks creative thinking. Take a look at the picture below. Print or copy down what you see on your own paper. Finish the picture, be creative and colourful. It is not a donut. What did you create? Remember everyone’s will look different and that is the exciting part. This is what I created! Post what you created on Fresh Grade.







4. Optional: Suncrest Staff Parade!

Enjoy the long weekend! Spend quality time with family. Next activities will be posted Tuesday April 14.

Ms. Toor

Suncrest Staff Parade

Tomorrow Thursday April 9 at 10am Suncrest Staff are going to be doing a social distancing driving parade in the Suncrest Neighbourhood!   We are going to hit the road at 10 am starting at the school and following the map / directions provided. If you are available situate yourself somewhere on the route and look for the white Mazda compact SUV waving to you with signs all over the car saying how much I miss you Division 11!  Ms. Toor 2.0 (my sister Michelle will hopefully join me too. . . hoping she will drive my car so I can wave to all of you).

Below is the route we will be driving through. Please make sure you are with an adult and practicing social distancing.

We will head East on Rumble,
South down McKay,
West on Boxer and through the alley way to Patterson turning South,
West on Marine Drive to Joffre,
North on Joffre across Rumble and up to Dubois St.,
East on Dubois to Mandy Avenue,
North on Mandy Avenue to Imperial,
East on Imperial to Mckay,
South on McKay to Irmin,
West on Irmin to Roseberry,
South on Roseberry to Rumble,
West on Rumble back to the School

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow saying hello and waving to you from the car!

Ms. Toor

April 8 Activities

Good Morning Division 11

The sun is shining! Lets have a great day!

I am so proud of all of your hard work in the last few days with the activities! Your work is amazing and I miss all of you more and more each day.

Today we are going to on Social Emotional Learning, Reading, writing, generating ideas and mathematics. Today I would like you to…

  1. Read “I am Peace” or re-read it
  • You have the choice either to read it on Epic! under assigned reading or to listen to the read aloud (click read aloud for link).
  1. After reading the story please create a list of things that help you stay mindful during this time at home. Have a discussion with your family before creating the list and hear about some things that they do. This can include something you do to calm your body down, stay grounded or to give yourself some peace and space similar to what we sometimes need in the classroom. Your list can be shown in any way you like. If you use drawings to share your learning please label them as we do in the classroom using phonetic spelling (sounding out your words). I created mine using an idea map, take a look below.

Ms. Toor’s I am peace list

Post your mindfulness list on FreshGrade.

3. Go on a 2D Shape hunt

This term we will start with Geometry in Math. Today we are going to focus on the 2D shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle. The first activity of the unit is to look around you house, back yard and neighbourhood and spot those shapes in your environment. Please document what kind of things you found those shapes in using the template below or creating your own template to use (the choice is up to you). For example the wheels of a car would go under circle or a button on your shirt. If you draw the object please label them along with taking some pictures during your hunt.

Shape Template

Please post a picture your finished shape hunt and pictures form the activity on FreshGrade.

Have an amazing day!

Ms. Toor

April 7 Activities

Happy 7th Birthday Hina!

  • If you would like to send Hina a digital card or birthday message please email me and I will pass it along.
  • Yesterday Fresh Grade was down as there was lots of volume on their site. It is back up today. Parents who have not emailed me for the access code to student fresh grade will receive an email today so we can get everyone started.

Today we are going to focus on art, reading and movement. Today I would like you to…

  1. Watch the link and listen to the story “Scribble Stones”

Go into your backyard or go for a walk around your neighbourhood with your parents and collect a rock. With that rock if you have paint, materials or chalk at home, decorate your rock or write a positive message with any material you have at home. You can turn it into something, create your rock a home, give it a name. The possibilities are endless. Post what you turned your rock into on Fresh Grade.

*Optional* if you write a positive message on your rock and your family go for walks you could bring the rock and leave it somewhere for somebody else to find and hopefully that will make their day a little bit better

2.  Find your cozy spot and “Read to Self” for 15 minutes and then “Read to Someone.” (Similar to our Daily 5 program in the classroom)

*Remember Division 11 to ask someone to read with you like we would in the classroom when asking a peer or myself

3. Body Break. Participate in the Just Dance Handclap with your family and have some fun like we would in the classroom. This is our favourite one in the classroom. Lets move around! (The link is embedded in the title of the song)

Ms. Toor