June 8 – 12

Good morning Division 11!

Here are the weeks activities. Thank you to everyone who completed the mandatory assignment and for those who I was able to conference with over zoom last week! Looking forward to zooming with the rest of the remote learners group this week 🙂

This week we are starting financial literacy and getting into the first stage of the plant life cycle. We will continue working on our writing using the silly sentence starters and continue to practice reading each day for 20 minutes.

Monday June 8

  1. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

Create a journal page written by a monkey that is lots of fun

  • Write in the perspective of a monkey or what the monkey is thinking about
  • Add a picture drawn by the “monkey”

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy

2a). Financial Literacy Songs and videos. 

This is our first introduction into financial literacy and being responsible with money.




2b). Financial Literacy Brainstorm 

On the BrainstormBubble write down what you know about money using the questions below.

  • Prior Knowledge: What do you know about money? Why is money important? Why do we need money?

3. Reading Bingo:

Tuesday June 9

  1. Science: Sound Walk:

Each Tuesday we will continue to go on a walk outside or listen outside to the sounds you hear. Close you eyes and listen close. Choose one sound that stuck out to you. *if raining too hard open your window or door or listen under cover.

Write down in your journal what sound you hear and draw a picture to share what sound you heard.

2. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starter

  • Write  in your journal or piece of paper a song about a backpack that can grant wishes 
  •  Add a picture if you would like as well 

3. Mathematics: Financial Literacy 








3a). Use the sheet below colour and print out. Please ignore the instructions and colour the coins on the sheet below this instruction just like regular coins in the template above (using colours like brown, gold/ yellow, grey/ silver).

NOTE: We will talk about the penny that is no longer in our Canadian currency. As it involves rounding up or down we will talk about that very soon and have another lesson about that in the next couple weeks.


If you do not have a printer that is okay as you can use loose change if you have it or can even make your own coins using paper. We will need coins to do many other activities whether they are paper, fake money or real money. Thank you!

3b). Use the wallet template to create a wallet to store your financial literacy money in. Design you wallet as you would like.






4. Reading Bingo: 

Wednesday June 10

  1. Langauge Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

Write in your journal or blank piece of paper.

  • Write about three interesting sentences about a hamburger that likes to sing.

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy 

Cut out your money from yesterday. After practicing skip counting keep it in your wallet or a safe place as we will continue using them to practice our financial literacy skills.

  • Practice identifying how much each coin is worth
  • Practice skip counting with money (counting by 5s, 10s, 25s etc)

5s: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 50, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100

10s: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

25s: 25, 50, 75, 100

You can use the coins made yesterday to help use as a visual to help with skip counting.

3. Science: Parts of a Plant

To introduce looking at the plant lifecycle we will begin looking at the parts of a plant. Watch the video

4. Reading Bingo:

Thursday June 11

  1. Think Outside the Box Thursday: Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a heart ! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Record your Reading: on raz kids or your own book

  • Watch the video on how to record yourself reading on Razkids
  • https://www.raz-kids.com/shared/video.html?id=286
  • Login into Razkids and follow the steps (if you need your username/ password please email me and I can send it)
  • Begin recording yourself reading any book that is a good fit book (not too easy or too hard)
  • Complete the comprehension component (quiz) following the reading

**Remember some of you are working on different things like fluency, comprehension, decoding text etc. Keep those reading goals in mind while reading. This is also many of your first try at recording yourselves online.

**If it does not work take a video of your child reading or a voice recording. Videos can be uploaded to FreshGrade and voice recordings on your device can be emailed directly to me if you are unable to record through Raz-Kids. If you try a video please just point the camera onto the screen (book) to limit nervousness.

3: Mathematics: Financial Literacy

Please explain your thinking for each question: you can write it down or record yourself in an interview.

  • Would you rather have 1 loonies or 10 dimes?
  • Would you rather have 10 quarters or 100 nickels?

4. Reading Bingo:

Friday June 12

  1. Langauge Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

Write in your journal or blank piece of paper.

  • Write a scary story about a bedroom that smells like feet

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy 

Please explain your thinking for each questions: you can write or record yourself in an interview.

  • Would you rather have 100 nickels or 2 toonies?
  • Would you rather have 100 dimes or 40 quarters?

3. Science: Parts of a Plant 

Demonstrate your understanding of the parts of plant using loose parts. Review the video from Wednesday as well to review the parts of a plant to help with this activity.

Some examples below:

4. Reading Bingo: 

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

June 1-5

Good morning Division 11

This week is our first transition week. I will be teaching in the classroom on Mondays and Tuesdays. I apologize in advance if I am unable to answer emails right away on those days but will check it throughout the day.

You will notice there is an activity on Tuesday June 2 that is a mandatory assignment. It is mandatory as it is a component that has to be completed for your child’s report card. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Please remember to upload your picture for a very special someone who is leaving Suncrest on Freshgrade.

Monday June 1

  1. Langauge Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

Write a silly story or use the thinking bubble image below. Write about a pet that knows that people are thinking. Choose an animal, name of a pet and share what the pet is thinking about humans or their owner. Post to Freshgrade.









2. Mathematics: Time

Fill in the 2 sheets below and continue working on our skills.

3. While We Can’t Hug Video 

Watch the video above. It is an important message to remember as times are transitioning. Talk with your families about the importance of this story.

4. Reading Bingo: Select one activity from the sheet. Remember to read each day for 20 minutes.

Science Optional: Watch the Magic School Bus

Episode: Wet All Over (water cycle)

Link or on Netflix Season 2 Episode 5

Tuesday June 2

  1. Core Competency Self-Assessment (mandatory assignment) 








Student Name (Click here for another even better copy of the form)**


This assignment will be part of your report card and must be completed.

“Please write next to “I CAN” show my thinking in creative ways

Please “self reflect” on ways you have used your creative thinking competency this term. Share an activity you did during remote learning where you showed your creative side (this can include an ADST assignment, Think Outside the Box Thursday or a way you have demonstrated your learning creatively). Draw and write in the square provided on the template of an activity you demonstrated creative thinking.

**I will conference with everyone in person (if you are attending school) or over zoom to go over this assignment and fill out the bottom portion together (the scale). I will be in touch with a schedule to complete the bottom of the template and to also complete the student voice section for the summative report card this term.

Please take a picture and post to Freshgrade**


2. Science and Outdoor Classroom: Sound Walk

Go for a walk. Document a sound you hear. Write and Draw a picture of what you heard (can be living or non-living) on a piece of paper or in your journal. Post to Freshgrade.

3. Reading Bingo: Select one activity from the sheet. Remember to read each day for 20 minutes.

Wednesday June 3

  1. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

In your journal or a piece of paper: Create a book cover for a bed that can fly. Post to Freshgrade.

2. Mathematics: Time

Please watch the video about AM and PM then complete the worksheet below.

3. Reading Bingo: Select one activity from the sheet. Remember to read each day for 20 minutes.

Thursday June 4

  1. Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a part of a door ! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Science: Water

While almost 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, most of it trapped in glaciers.

Think about the ways you use water at home. Fill out the brainstorm below. Star what activity uses the most water out of all the activities listed. Post to Freshgrade.

3. Reading Bingo: Select one activity off the bingo sheet. Remember to read for 20 minutes each day doing an activity from the list.

Friday June 5

  1. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

Create the ultimate pizza. In your journal or on the template below create a pizza with any toppings you decide (lets be creative; there are no limits). Write down your ingredients as well. Post to freshgrade.

2. Mathematics: Time

Today we are working on understanding all the parts of an analog clock. Post to freshgrade.

3. Science: Water

Listen to the story “Why Should I Save Water” by Jen Green

After the story use the template or your journal. Write down one or two ways you can do to conserve water. Post to Freshgrade.

4.  Reading Bingo: Select one activity from the sheet. Remember to read each day for 20 minutes.

Ms. Toor

Last Friday Zoom Classroom Meeting and Updates

Weekly Update and Transition

Hello Families,

This week teachers will be collaborating to plan for a positive and engaging return to school for some students for the month of June.  There are still many questions in the air and we are all working together to try and find appropriate and thoughtful answers/ solutions to ensure a safe return for everyone. I look forward to what the next few weeks may bring with the transition.

As it will look different for everyone involved in Division 11 here is a social story to help explain the changes that are happening as some students will return to school and others will continue to work online. Those returning and not returning will have a better understanding of some changes that have been made out of safety at this time.


May 29th Zoom Meeting: come in costume or PJs

With the transition happening this week will be our last class zoom meet with be on Friday May 29 at 10 am. With all the transition that will soon take place with the return to school. 

**However, if not all students are able to return to school for the month of June I will try my best to plan for class zoom calls from the school when things are settled and a new schedule is set in place.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding with all the change that is happening. I also want to say thank you for all the hard work that you have been doing at home. It has been so fun to see the creative ways you have implemented learning at home. As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me via email.

Group Meeting Plan: *Same link will be sent in email the day prior*

  • Hellos
  • Community Circle
  • Game (bring a piece of paper and pencil)
  • Read Aloud
  • Goodbye Song
  • Talk time

I look forward to what the last month of the school year brings!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

May 25-29

Good morning Division 11!

A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TATUM! Who’s birthday was over the weekend!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and are ready for a new week!

Posted are this weeks activities! This week we are continuing with the water cycle and are starting time in mathematics! We are also continuing with the optional SEL calendar and of course reading bingo!

If you would like to print out any of the images for worksheets. Save image on your computer and you will be able to print from there. The pictures also allow you to save on a tablet or Ipad and work right off that image by marking it up and writing on top of it.

Monday May 25

  1. Mathematics: Time

1a). Watch the video

1b). Time Brainstorm: The importance of time and telling time

  • Fill out the BrainstormBubble about time
  • Why time is important?
  • Why is telling time an important skill?
  • What kind of things in your life go by time (scheduled)?

Post to Freshgrade when completed.

2. Science: The Water Cycle

Represent your learning of the water cycle in any way you choose.








Incorporate the 4 stages

(Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Accumulation/Collection)


  • Draw
  • Interview your child
  • Act it out
  • Create an ADST model
  • Loose parts
  • Any other way you choose to represent your learning

Post a Picture to Freshgrade with your finished product.

Feel free to use this template option as well

Water Cycle Template

3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete May 25 activity. Post a picture to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Tuesday May 26

  1. Mathematics: Time 

Share (around) what time you:

  1. Woke up
  2. Go to sleep
  3. Eat lunch
  4. Eat dinner
  5. Start school
  6. Read
  7. Or anything else you do through the day

Share those times using a Digital and Analog clock (with hands) using a template of your choice below

Use the images above to support using an analog clock

  1. clocks template

2. ClockTemplate














2. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

  • In your journal or on a separate sheet of paper write a poem about a restaurant that is upside down. Your poem can be a rhyming, acrostic or whatever you choose.
  • Post your work to Freshgrade when complete
  • Example poems: Sample Poems


3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete May 26 activity. Post a picture to FreshGrade.


4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.


Wednesday May 27

  1. Mathematics: Time

Fill in the worksheets on time: We are working on Analog clocks (with hands)








2. Science: The Water Cycle in a Bag

Watch the video 








Follow the video with instructions or the picture above (where is says water in the video it is okay to put water or collection or accumulation)

Supplies: sandwich bag, tape and water

Optional: Write on your bag the different stages of the cycle and blue food colouring

Place your bag in the window where there will be direct sun light with tape

Check on your bag at different times of the day and note what happens. Continue checking on it throughout the week and notice changes.

**you can note your changes in a journal, piece of paper or drawing what you saw

3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete May 27 activity. Post a picture to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Thursday May 28

  1. Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a part of an arrow! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Mathematics: Time

Fill in the worksheets below: We are working at writing down the time based on what you see the hands showing you on the clock.








3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete May 28 activity. Post a picture to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Friday May 29

  1. Zoom Meeting @10am (same link available through group email)

2. Language Arts: Stuck

2a). Listen to the story Stuck by Oliver Jeffers

2b). Watch the video on Onomatopoeia 

Onomatopoeia: the sound of the word is the noise that it makes ex. cuckoo or beep

2c). Create your own “Stuck” story

  • Create a comic strip using one of the templates below
  • Comic stories use both pictures and words to tell the story
  • In each of the blank spaces in your comic strip throw something into the tree just like in the story
  • You can be the character in the story or create your own
  • Create a new ending; what happens to all the things/ objects thrown into the tree?
  • Use onomatopoeia into your story where you see fit

Use as many pages or comic strip templates are your creative juices need!



ComicTemplates bubbles


Post to Freshgrade when completed.

3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete May 29 activity. Post a picture to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Have an amazing week! See you Friday for our Zoom meeting!

Ms. Toor

Update and Zoom Meeting Friday @10am

Division 11! Hello from our classroom today!








I wanted to take the time to thank you again for all your patience and understanding during our time in remote learning. You and your families have been working so hard and you have been pushing through the last two months with effort and determination!  It shows in your work each day!

On another note some of you might have heard in the news starting on June 1, 2020 there will be the option for students to voluntarily return to school. More information in regards to this will be shared as soon as it is available.

Friday Zoom Meeting @10am

Same link as always! See you there!

Group Plan:

  • Hellos
  • Community Circle
  • Game (bring a piece of paper and pencil)
  • Read Aloud
  • Updates
  • Goodbye Song

Can’t wait to see you over Zoom Friday!

I miss you!

Ms. Toor


May 19- 22

Good morning Division 11! Hope you enjoyed the long weekend!

Remember to do what you can at your own pace. If that is one or two of the activities that is okay. Keep up the great work and reading each day!

Tuesday May 19

  1. Time Capsule: Language Arts

Last week I read to all of you during our Zoom Meeting “The Remember Balloons” by Jessie Oliveros.

Listen to the story again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvvFJgu3tFs

  • Have a discussion with your family about some memories you have made over the many weeks spent together.
  • Use the template (below) or create your own to complete the activity.
  • Write down 1 or 2 memories on the same or multiple templates and add a picture of that memory (can be drawn or a picture taken)
  • Add your balloons to your time capsule and preserve the memories you made.
  • Post-Pictures of your memories to FreshGrade.









  1. Mathematics: Baking or Cooking following a recipe with a family member

Measurement occurs in many areas of everyday life! It occurs when cooking a meal or baking a delicious treat! Measuring allows you to keep track of the amount of each ingredient you will need to create the food you eat! Following a recipe involves following measurements of ingredients.

Bake or cook something at home with a family member (Remember if you cannot do this today pick another day this week that works for your schedule)

  • Select a recipe
  • Look at the recipe ingredients and how much you will need for each ingredient
  • Notice what you are using to measure out the ingredients needed.  Notice any differences in measuring ingredients to measuring your height or measuring objects?
  • Why is it important to measure while baking or cooking?

Post a picture of you baking/ cooking or your finished product! Enjoy! I will be jealous of all the delicious food!

3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete one of the following days on the calendar: May 15, 18 or 19 activity (as we had Friday and Monday off school you get to choose one of the days). Post a picture to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Wednesday May 20

  1. Science: Water

1a). What do you know about water?

1b). Select to watch the video, listen to the song or read about water and the water cycle (you can listen to them all if you would like to)



Listen to or Read “Hey Water!” by Antionette Portis on EPIC! (assigned to all of of your accounts already)

  • Fill in the chart BrainstormBubble again this time with 5 things you learned from one video you chose and 1 thing you wonder about water
  • Your wonder can be a question about water or something you would like to understand more about in regards to water or the water cycle
  • Post both Charts to Freshgrade.

2. Mathematics: Measurement

2a). Listen to the story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLeVHEHMpI

2b). Measure 3-5 things using your own feet

  • Select your object and before measuring and estimate how long do you think your object will be based on the size of your own foot.
  • Step one foot in front of the other ensuring your heel and toe touch
  • Use your feet without shoes on


Fill in the chart below and post to FreshGrade.

How Big is a Foot

3. SEL Calendar: Optional 

Please complete the May 20 activity. Post a picture to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Thursday May 21 Happy Outdoor Classroom Day!

We previously participated in the first Outdoor Classroom Day of the school year in first term! The second one is today! Enjoy some outdoor fun and participate in some activities created by the primary staff at Suncrest!

  1. Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a tree ! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Pick from the outdoor activity list and decide what 1-3 activities you will complete. Post pictures to FreshGrade.

LIST: Outdoor Classroom Day Activities

If you decide on completing more activities on your own time I would love to see pictures!

Fostering a love for the outdoors, relationships, and learning from and with the outdoors is what outdoor classroom is all about. Each Wednesday we start our day outside, almost somedays until recess time, observing, exploring, playing and making connections to our learning in the curriculum in the outdoor space and Suncrest Park!

3. SEL Calendar: Optional

Complete May 21 activity on the calendar

Friday May 22

  1. Weekly Class Zoom Meeting @10am: Same link through email

2. Mathematics and ADST: Weight 

2a) Create one of the following balancing scale.

Option 1: Hanger scale

Option 2: Cylinder shape

Option 3: Paper towel roll and tray

*Create the scale only if you have the materials and choose materials that fit in the cups (if you choose that option)

If you are unable to create one use your arms and compare the weights in your hands

2b). Compare the weights of …

  • Two Toys that are similar in size
  • Two Toys (that fit on the scale) but are different sizes
  • Two items of food
  • Two objects used for art or at school
  • Select one object and make the scale even on the other side (using one object or many to make the scale even) what did you use?
  • Select any other objects you are curious to weigh

Take a picture of your scale and pictures of you weighing objects and materials

3. SEL Calendar: Optional

Compete May 22 activity on the calendar

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Have an amazing week!

Ms. Toor

Last week’s highlights- Think Outside the Box!

As a class on EPIC! We have read over 2,000 books as a class! Way to go Division 11! I check our number everyday and it keeps getting higher! Can we reach 5,000 by the end of the school year? If everyone reads each day I know we can!

Each Thursday we participate in Think Outside the Box activities with a picture that we have to complete. This is an activity that allows us to dive into our creative thinking competency. These are so amazing to see to each week! Here are a few to share from last week!

Weekly Update!

Good morning Division 11!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and Mother’s Day!

This Friday May 15 is a Pro-D-Day! No school for students!  Thank you to Ms. Raymond for checking as I almost missed that.

We will move our weekly zoom meeting to this Thursday May 14 @10am if most of the class is able to attend. An email will be sent shortly for RSVP to confirm who is able to attend and if we will have our meeting.

Monday May 18 is Victoria Day as well. Next week’s post will be added on Tuesday May 19.

I am so glad I found that out this morning! The assignments and learning we would have done on Friday will be moved to next week.

Thank you always for your patience as we navigate the online world,

Ms. Toor

May 11- 15 Activities

Good morning Division 11! Great work! I am so proud of you working at your own pace each week! Do what you can each week to the best of your ability if that includes picking some of the daily activities that work best for your schedule or the time that you have. Keep adding pieces of work to your time capsules that you would like to remember and are proud of!

Remember to do activities at your own pace. Many activities allow for a range of ways to represent learning. Choose a way that works for you and allows for enjoyment and growth within the activity.

Don’t forget to have multiple Dance Breaks throughout the day!

*Save the photo of the week’s plan to enlarge*

Monday May 11


  1. Measurement: Non-Standard Measurement

Non-standard Units of measurements are units that are not commonly used to measure, such as blocks, paper clips, tooth picks, parts of the body, cubes or string etc.

Watch the videos

When Measuring with non-standard units keep these helpful tips in mind:








Examples of non-standard measurement: 

Activity:  Measure your Art

  • Draw 3- 5 pictures of anything that are different sizes on the same or separate pieces of paper depending on the size of your images (if you draw on the same cut your images out)
  • After you draw all your images take a look at the pictures, place them tallest to shortest in front of you.
  • Select a non-standard measuring tool that are the same size (blocks, cubes, paper clips etc whatever you have to use at home.)
  • Estimate how many of the objects you will need to measure each of your images. Write down the estimation on your paper next to your image (remember an estimation is not always going to be correct, use your sense of sight and touch to make an informed guess)
  • Measure your images using the non-standard tool of your choice.
  • Write down the measurement underneath your estimation.
  • Measure your images after using standard measurement with a ruler/ tape measure and compare the two measurements. How long in (centimetres) cm is one of your non-standard items?


  • Questions to discuss and ponder: What did you notice about the importance of estimating? Why is it important to observe to make an informed guess? How does it feel to estimate without knowing the answer first? How does practice with non-standard measurement support our understanding when using standard units?
  • Post picture of your drawings and measurements to FreshGrade

2. ADST Part 1: Not a Box

  • Listen to the story “Not a Box” by Marie Antionette
  • Questions: What is the importance or theme of the story? How does this book support our understanding of the creative thinking competency?
  • Find a box of any size at home and take a look at the box.
  • What do you see? What can you turn that box into?
  • Grab a piece of paper and design what you will turn your box into (label your design with measurements/ shapes you will use learned in the past few weeks at home)
  • Write down materials you will need to create your design (you can label your design with materials you plan to use as well to enhance you image and design). Remember to use what you already have in your home.
  • Post a picture of your design and answers to the questions to FreshGrade (the answers can be in video form or also scribed in a comment as we already have another writing component today).

3.  SEL Calendar

Please complete the May 11 activity

  • Choose your own quote or one of the ones below
  • Write about why you chose the quote, connect to the quote or why you are inspired by the quote.
  • Post a picture of which quote you chose and your write up to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Tuesday May 12

Remember to do what you can. If there is not enough time in your day pick one or two activities.

  1. Mathematics: Non-Standard Measurement

Non-standard units of measurement are helpful for us to visualize the length or height of something using objects we can imagine.

At this time we have been asked to stay 6 feet apart from other people. But what if you don’t know how big 6 feet is? We use non-standard measurement to describe this. So, we might say to keep a distance of a hockey stick, an average man, a bed, 2 Stanley cups, a sofa, 2 shopping carts or a cougar. All these objects are about 6 feet (or 2 meters) apart. Sometimes it’s easier to visualize the objects than to visualize standard measurement like a ruler.

Activity: Can you create a poster that shares an example of keeping 6 feet apart? What object(s) or examples will you use? You can search for something that is 6 feet using the internet, or you can find it using a ruler or measuring tape that is in your home. Post your completed poster to FreshGrade.

I made one too! Found something approx. 6ft 5






  1. ADST Part 2: Create your “Not a Box”
  • Create your not a box using your design and materials you planned
  • Take your time and try using measurement strategies for planning out the length/ height of materials you are using.
  • Post a picture of your completed structure to FreshGrade

3.  SEL Calendar :  Optional complete the May 12 activity.

  • Watch the video “The Power of Yet” on the (link on the SEL Calendar)
  • Listen to the story “Giraffes Can’t Dance” by Giles Andreae
  • Change the following two statements into positive growth mindset statements using “yet”
  1. I can’t do it
  2. I am not good at this
    • Post a picture of your new sentence to FreshGrade

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Wednesday May 13

  1. Mathematics: Non-Standard Units of Measurement and Estimation
  • Choose one non-standard tool to measure from what you have at home
  • Make sure that tool is the same size as you will using more than one of those tools to measure
  • Find 5 objects in your home to measure using that non-standard tool (use the same tool for each)
  • Before measuring estimate how long you predict that object will be and write down your estimation (ex. 10 paper clips etc)
  • Measure each object and write down the measurement
  • Measure each of those objects again using standard units with a ruler/ tape measure
  • Double check your measurement as well compare your estimation to your measurements
  • Post to FreshGrade when completed

2. Visit the Blogs (pick one to complete 2a or 2b)

2a). Reading Comprehension: Visit Ms. Ho’s Library Blog

Re-telling the story is a vital part of comprehension and understanding a story.

Activity: Re-tell the story in your own words. It is up to you how you would like to re-tell the story. You can act it out, use pictures, loose parts, create a comic story, talk about it in a video and/ or writing to share the re-telling.

  • Post your re-telling to FreshGrade

2b). Visit Ms. Silva/ Sharma’s Blog 

  • Watch the video of the baby chicks hatching on Division 8’s blog https://sd41blogs.ca/silvad/
  • The video is 16 minutes (to see the hatching you can fast forward to 7 minutes or watch the entire video)
  • Put on your science hats, grab a piece of paper and write down your observations as you watch the video
  • Part of being a scientist is observing. While watching the video what did you observe  or notice (around 7 minutes to the end of the video) Using your sense of sight what do you see happening?
  • Use pictures, words, and/ or labelling of events etc. to share what you observed
  • Post to Freshgrade.

3. SEL Calendar :  Optional Please complete the May 13 activity. Post to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Thursday May 14

Change of plans! There is a pro-d-day Friday and there is no school for students. How did I almost miss that?

We will have our zoom class meeting on on Thursday May 14 instead.

  1. Zoom meeting changed to day at 10:00am. Same link!
  2. Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not an umbrella! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Language Arts: Spelling Patterns #3

  • Please watch the video about spelling patterns

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-1o7EXpTIk        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deUTRW1MTgg

  • When you are finished watching, write down some words that follow these spelling patterns (please don’t use the words from the video)
  • Post a photo of the words you thought of

3. SEL Calendar Optional 

As we have already completed this activity here is our class substitute.

If you could be a superhero, what would be your name and what power would you have!

  • Create your superhero name
  • Select a power or create your own (be creative/ mix some powers together)
  • Create an outfit or even design one by selecting clothes from your wardrobe (you can draw it or even grab clothes from your closet or a bed sheet to create a cape)
  • Create/ design a logo
  • Post pictures to FreshGrade.

4. Reading Bingo May 4- 29

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember to choose at least one activity to complete each day and each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Monday May 18 is Victoria Day! Enjoy your long weekend! New weekly post will be added on Tuesday May 19th!

Ms. Toor

Last Week’s Learning Highlights- Butterfly Lifecycle

Division 11! We are creative thinkers and it is important to demonstrate our understanding and learning using multiple platforms! We play to strengths and sometimes we challenge ourselves by demonstrating vulnerability with trying a new format to share our learning!

We have learned this year to present learning using writing, images, loose parts, ADST as well as movement and drama! Here are some ways you shared your learning over FreshGrade!

Can’t wait to do this activity again!

Ms. Toor