May dates and other housekeeping information

Good afternoon families,

Below are some key dates and upcoming information for the Month of May and beginning of June.

Friday May 17 Jump Rope for Heart

Fundraising link

Monday May 20 Victoria Day

No school

Friday May 31 Pro- D-Day

No school for Students

Tuesday June 4 Last Library Day

All books are due to Suncrest Library on Friday June 7

Tuesday June 11 Aquarium Field Trip

Notice, payment and volunteer information coming home next week

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Gum in the classroom

Good morning families,

This past week we have been having a couple issues of gum being brought to school.

Some of the issues include:

-chewing gum in the gym and during physical activities such as outside at recess and during movement activities in the classroom

-gum thrown in the cubby area (on the lights and walls)

-chewed gum on the classroom carpet and the floor

As this is an extra thing to monitor and now becoming a greater issue when a TOC (sub) is present, I would like to ask that gum is not chewed in the classroom or brought into Division 12.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Ms. Toor

Tuesday April 30

Good afternoon families,

Hope you all had a great long weekend!

Tomorrow is Class/ Whole School Picture Day for Suncrest!

We also have Library tomorrow with Ms. Ho!

See you all tomorrow,

Ms. Toor

Field Trip!

Good afternoon families,

Tomorrow is our field trip to Burnaby Village Museum (Tuesday April 23rd).  We have two workshops that we will partake in at the museum. We will have lunch at 11:30-12pm.

If you are a parent driver we’d love for you to be at school at the first bell at 8:50am so we can go over where to park, groups and enough time to get the booster seats in the car. We are planning to leave Suncrest at 9:15am and leave the museum around 1:30pm right after our second workshop.

Attached is the map for parking and if you plan on remaining on site to support with supervision please park in the (bus/ chaperone lot).


We will have to walk over to the carousel entrance as there is construction going on in the museum regular entrance. If you are planning on dropping off and returning at 1:30pm pick up you may be able to find street parking closer to the carousel entrance.

I will have a map for all drivers and will need all parents to finish filling out the insurance forms.


Here is your checklist for the field trip:

  • Booster seat (with your name on it if you require one)**

To wear: 

  • Closed toed shoes (such as runners)
  • Hat or ball cap
  • Comfortable clothing for movement

To bring in your backpack:

  • Litterless lunch
  • Snack
  • Water bottle

Thank you!

Looking forward to Division 12’s first field trip!

Ms. Toor

Student-leds, field trip drivers and Library next week

Good morning families,

A big thank you to parents who joined us yesterday and those who are helping us next week for our trip to Burnaby Village Museum! These opportunities cannot happen without your support, time and energy! I am super appreciative!

Here are a few reminders for the next couple weeks:

Student Leds

Student – Led Conferences are tomorrow (Thursday April 18th). Both Thursday and Friday (April 19) will be an early dismissal at 2pm.

All confirmation slips have been sent out on Monday (pink slips). Everyone received the time that works best for their family.

Looking forward to seeing Division 12 lead the conference.

Drivers for field trip

During your child’s student led conference I will quickly chat with parents who have volunteered to drive. I will also hand you the extra driving forms for insurance purposes and chit chat about who will be in your car.

We have lots of drivers and some parents only driving their child. We may have to pair up some parents together. We also have a small space for workshops in the museum so if there are some parents who are just wanting to drive and come back for pick up that is something we can talk about as well.

**Please remember to bring your booster seat labelled with your name on Tuesday April 23rd.

**If you have an extra booster, that is not expired, one of our students might need to borrow one. Please let me know!

Library Next Week (Monday April 22)

As our field trip is on Tuesday our Library day is changed to Monday next week.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

3 Volunteers needed (Tuesday April 16) Walking field trip to south slope/ first come, first serve

Good afternoon families!

We have been invited to South Slope Elementary School on Tuesday April 16 to watch a dress rehearsal performance of their play “Marry Poppins.”

Since it’s a walking field trip, a few blocks away, we need 3 parents to accompany us for our number ratio.

We will need those 3 parents to meet us at our classroom at 11:50am and we will leave our school soon after that as the performance starts at 12:30pm. We are anticipating being back at Suncrest around 2pm.

Please email me at if you are interested in coming along with us for the walk and the performance. I will email the first three parents back to confirm that you will be joining us.

Thank you so much! Your support and time allows our class to partake in these extra opportunities!

Ms. Toor

Extra clothes, indoor shoes, payment for field trip & student-led notice

Good afternoon families,

Here are a few reminders.

Extra clothes and indoor shoes:

If your child hasn’t brought their indoor shoes or extra clothes for this term, please bring some this week as during the spring we will have some rainy days.  Please label all clothing as students wear similar sizes and forget what belongs to them if they do not wear the clothing often.

Payment for Burnaby Village Museum:

Thank you to those that have already submitted payments and signed permission forms. Ms. Boleak has kept the payment open for a few more days. If we haven’t received your permission forms or payments, we will need it this week.

Student-Led Conferences/ Notice

Our student-led form will be coming home today. Student- Led conferences will be run by your child on Thursday April 18th from 2:15-7:00pm. Please select a time slot or slots that work best for you. Forms are due Friday April 12th. The students are excited to share with you their portfolio, photos/ video of us learning, show you around the school and lead you through some stations.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


April Dates, Field Trip and Calendar

Good afternoon families and Welcome back!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break!

Term #3 is already here! I am excited to wrap up the school year with Division 12!

Below are some upcoming dates, field trip information and our April Calendar!

Upcoming Dates:

Thursday April 18th: Student Led Conferences (Early Dismissal @2pm)

Friday April 19th: Early Dismissal @2pm

Tuesday April 23rd : Field Trip

Monday April 29th: Pro-D-Day (No school for students)

Field Trip!!!

Our first field trip of the year will be at Burnaby Village Museum on Tuesday April 23rd. We are looking for parents to drive to the Museum and back to Suncrest as well as to help support with supervision during the day.

Online cash is now open for payments as of Wednesday April 3rd. Big thank you to Ms. Boleak for getting that ready and open right after returning to school!

Please send in permission forms and volunteer notices as soon as possible so we can figure out how many drivers/ parents are available (forms were sent home on Tuesday). In addition, if your child requires a booster seat we need that information too. On the day of the field trip please send your child to school with their booster seat and with their name clearly displayed on it.

Here is your checklist for the field trip:

To wear: 

  • Closed toed shoes (such as runners)
  • Hat or ball cap
  • Comfortable clothing for movement

To bring in your backpack:

  • Litterless lunch
  • Snack
  • Water bottle

**If we do not have enough volunteers we will have to cancel our field trip**

All volunteer drivers will need to fill out an extra form and I will send them home in your child’s planner so we can have them filled out in advance.

We will also provide a map to drivers with our meeting place at the Museum as well as group names and the shape of our day.

April Calendar

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Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Valentine’s Day Wednesday Feb 14

Good morning families,

Today in your child’s planner will be a class list for Valentine’s Day. We will have an in class celebration in the afternoon on Feb 14. Valentine’s Day is a day to spread messages of kindness to one another and to highlight strengths and positive traits of our community members. Valentine’s Day is not a mandatory activity -If you would like to share a message of kindness, create a card, share a treat or goody bag with your peers, please ensure there is one for everyone to enjoy.

In addition the school leadership team has created some fun activities to spread kindness around our school. On Wednesday Feb 14 if you wear red, pink, white or clothing with hearts you can earn a point for your house team.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Literacy Week Information

Good morning families!

Literacy week is underway with a bunch of fun activities we are doing as a school community. This year’s theme is “Literacy Superpowers” with a specific focus each day this week.

Themes that will guide discussion and activities during the week are:

  • Monday: “Literacy Gives Us Power to Imagine”
  • Tuesday: “Literacy Gives Us Power to Make Friends”
  • Wednesday: “Literacy Gives Us Power to Make Positive Change”
  • Thursday: “Literacy Gives Us Power to Express Important Ideas”
  • Friday: “Literacy Gives Us Power to Build Community and Have Fun!”

The information was sent out to parents already but I am highlighting a few activities and sharing some information about our theme day this Friday.

Reading Bingo:

Reading bingo sheets went home on Monday. Bring back your sheet with as many activities filled out by Friday morning (Feb. 2) to enter the draw to win a prize. There will be  a separate draw for primary and intermediate students.

Guess the teacher’s favourite book activity:

We will do this in class on Wednesday January 31 and I will have the big list up in colour for students to see and match the teacher with their favourite book. Students will also be entered into the draw to win a prize.

PJ day and read in the dark (Friday Feb 2.)

On Friday students in the school can wear their PJs or something comfy to school. Students can also bring a flashlight for reading in the dark. During this time students can share their favourite story/ book either from home or in the classroom. I will have a chat with the students about flashlight safety and use of the flashlight for reading purposes but would also appreciate you having a friendly reminder with your child ahead of the event.

Thank you so much for your support! Literacy week is a great week to promote fun ways to make literacy engaging and fun for everyone! Feel free to take some of the reading bingo ideas and turn them into a fun routine to practice skills at home 🙂

Ms. Toor