Welcome to the blog!

Good afternoon families,

Welcome to the blog! I am excited for this school year! I will be using the blog as my primary form of communication outside of the planners and in person. I will post monthly calendars, highlights and upcoming dates/ information here on the blog.


Thank you for supporting your child in bringing their planner to school each day. It is a safe spot for notices and a great tool to enhance organization, planning and communication. Each week take a look in the planner for your child’s words of the week.

Please practice reading those words as well as practice spelling in some fun ways (see image below).

Grade 1 words this week:

  1. a
  2. am
  3. an
  4. as
  5. at

Grade 2 words this week:

  1. road
  2. pack
  3. trip
  4. went
  5. away


Library will be on Monday mornings. Please bring your books back in order to take new ones out. Ms. Ho (our librarian) and I will be encouraging Division 12 to start taking 2 books that are of our reading level and 1 book a family member can read to them or together.


Scholastic Orders:

Scholastic forms will be handed out today in your child’s planner. Our class code is RC130056 and I will place our September/ October orders on Friday October 11th at 12pm.

Outdoor Classroom:

As we are still working on our schedules we do not have a finalized day of the week yet, but most likely Outdoor Classroom will be on Wednesday mornings. Please be prepared for the weather every Wednesday!

Upcoming Dates:

Friday September 20- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)

Friday September 27- Orange Shirt Day and Celebration of Learning Assembly

Monday September 30- National Day Truth and Reconciliation (No school for everyone)

Wednesday October 9 and Thursday October 10- Welcome Conversation afternoon/evening

Monday October 14- Thanksgiving (No school for everyone)

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Last Week of School

Good morning families,

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to come to the park with us! We appreciate your time and are excited for our annual picnic. If you are volunteering and walking with us please meet us at the school by 9:15am as we will begin walking around  9:30am with other classes.

Here is some information for the last week of school:

Tuesday June 25 Central Park Walking Field Trip and Picnic

**We will be leaving the school at 9:30am and will make our walk back around 2:00pm. Drop off and pick up times are at 8:50am and 3:00pm as usual.

Please ensure your child is already wearing:

  • their swim suit
  • a sun hat/ ball cap
  • suncreen
  • running shoes **for the walk**

Your child will need to bring (in their backpack or spare bag they can carry on their own):

  • water bottle
  • sunscreen (to apply again after lunch)
  • a towel
  • a change of clothes (if needed)
  • sandals or water shoes
  • Litter-less snack and lunch

Wednesday June 26 

Students will take home their year portfolio, art work and anything personal left in the classroom or their cubby.

Thursday June 27 Last Day of School

Dismissal is at 10am and students will take home their report card

Thank you for a wonderful school year! Hope you all of a great summer!

See you in September!

Ms. Toor

Water Park Time Change Thursday June 20

Good afternoon families,

As we have an Earthquake Drill practice after recess on Thursday we will change our time to after lunch.

We will be at Suncrest Water Park on Thursday June 20 from around 1:10-2:30pm.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Central Park Field Trip Form

Good morning families,

As I was away on Friday, I was not able to hand out the Central Park Permission Form. Please hand it back to me as soon as you can (sometime this week).

Thank you for those parents who already emailed me about walking with us! I already have you down on my list to join. We are also looking for a few more parents to join us!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Next Week (June 10-14) and (June 17-21)

Good morning families,

Below is some information in the next couple weeks. It’s going to be a busy, fun and exciting last few weeks! Looking forward to ending this school year with lots of laughter and enjoyment. Also attached is an updated June calendar to reflect the addition of water park dates.

Week of June 10-14

Sports Day Spirit Week- Wear the following colours to earn points for your house team colour for sports day! Unsure of your house team… there is a sign in the classroom near the door to double check.

Monday June 10: RED DAY

Tuesday June 11: BLUE DAY/ FIELD TRIP (Parent volunteers please be at school by 9:00am with a packed lunch, water bottle and comfortable shoes. Groups and more information will be given the morning of the field trip).

For our field trip students will need

To wear: 

  • Closed toed shoes (such as runners)
  • Hat or ball cap/ sunscreen
  • Comfortable clothing for movement

To bring in your backpack:

  • Litterless lunch
  • Snack
  • Water bottle

Wednesday June 12: GREEN DAY

Thursday June 13: YELLOW DAY



Week of June 17-21

Tuesday June 18: Suncrest Water Park @ 1-2:40pm & Thursday June 20 @ 10:40-11:45pm

If your child would like to enjoy cooling down in the water if the weather is warm please have them wearing their swimsuit when they arrive to school. As Suncrest does not have change rooms we recommend already wearing it underneath clothing and we will end early to dry off in the sunshine. If students do not want to get wet there is the playground and an outdoor space to play games or relax on their towel with art, card games etc.

To wear: 

  • swim suit under clothing
  • sunscreen

To bring: 

  • waterproof shoes or sandals (please do not wear all day)
  • sun hat or ball cap
  • towel
  • bag for wet towel
  • snack to enjoy at the park

Updated June Calendar (with Water Park dates)

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A permission form as well as a volunteer notice will be coming out for our Primary Central Park Field trip next week! Stay tuned!

Thank you,

Ms, Toor

June Calendar

Good afternoon families,

This school year has flown by! Below are some dates to note for our last month of school!

Field Trip:

Slips for volunteers are being sent home today in your child’s planner. We have many volunteers.

For our field trip students will need

To wear: 

  • Closed toed shoes (such as runners)
  • Hat or ball cap
  • Comfortable clothing for movement

To bring in your backpack:

  • Litterless lunch
  • Snack
  • Water bottle


Last Library day is tomorrow June 4th. All books are due back Friday June 7th.

Suncrest Water Park:

Dates and Times are TBA (to be announced) for the week of June 17-21.

Central Park Walking Field Trip:

Volunteers needed for our walk and picnic on Tuesday June 25. Please email me if you are available for this day. We will need supervision to and from the park as well as in different spaces at the park.

June Calendar

Attached is the June Calendar for dates so far. I will add once more information becomes available.



Thank you,

Ms. Toor

End of the Month Housekeeping and June Upcoming Dates

Good afternoon,

Here is some reminders for the end of May as well as some upcoming dates in June!

Aquarium Field Trip

The Aquarium field trip payments and permission forms are due on Thursday May 30.

**A reminder that only parent volunteers and students from Division 11 and 12 are allowed to drive on the bus due to liability and insurance purposes.

June Scholastic Orders

I will be submitting June Scholastic orders on Tuesday June 4th. This will give enough time for orders to be completed, shipped and delivered to Suncrest by the end of the school year. I will hold all orders until that date.

Parent Volunteer Tea

Emails have been sent home to all of our school’s volunteers. If you received an invitation by email please RSVP no later than Wednesday May 29 by 3pm as the committee needs final numbers for the event.

Pro-D-Day Friday May 31st

No School for Students

Sports Day Friday June 14

Thank you in advance for the parents who are volunteering their time! This is a fun event that students look forward to all year long!

Suncrest Waterpark Dates

Our class will sign up for dates and times during the week of June 17-21. Stay tuned for exact dates and times.

Primary Central Park Walking Field Trip

Our date for our Central Park Picnic is going to be on Tuesday June 25th. Stay tuned for details and we will be looking for parent volunteers

Thank you and I will keep you updated with more end of the year information!

Ms. Toor


May dates and other housekeeping information

Good afternoon families,

Below are some key dates and upcoming information for the Month of May and beginning of June.

Friday May 17 Jump Rope for Heart

Fundraising link https://jumpropeforheart.crowdchange.ca/43554

Monday May 20 Victoria Day

No school

Friday May 31 Pro- D-Day

No school for Students

Tuesday June 4 Last Library Day

All books are due to Suncrest Library on Friday June 7

Tuesday June 11 Aquarium Field Trip

Notice, payment and volunteer information coming home next week

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Gum in the classroom

Good morning families,

This past week we have been having a couple issues of gum being brought to school.

Some of the issues include:

-chewing gum in the gym and during physical activities such as outside at recess and during movement activities in the classroom

-gum thrown in the cubby area (on the lights and walls)

-chewed gum on the classroom carpet and the floor

As this is an extra thing to monitor and now becoming a greater issue when a TOC (sub) is present, I would like to ask that gum is not chewed in the classroom or brought into Division 12.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Ms. Toor

Tuesday April 30

Good afternoon families,

Hope you all had a great long weekend!

Tomorrow is Class/ Whole School Picture Day for Suncrest!

We also have Library tomorrow with Ms. Ho!

See you all tomorrow,

Ms. Toor