Black Shirt Day January 15 (Tomorrow)

Good afternoon families of Division 11!

Below is the post Mr. LaPlante shared on our school webpage this morning:

Only recently announced by the Anti-Racism Coalition (ARC), Black Shirt Day is new this year. ARC created the day to raise awareness of the challenges faced by Black and racialized Canadians, as well as to help foster solidarity against all forms of racism and hate.


Suncrest Elementary School invites students and staff to wear black shirts on January 15 (tomorrow) to show support for anti-racism.

Tomorrow I will be continuing the conversation in our classroom by using grade appropriate lessons and literature.

Below are some examples of some stories I have read in past school years and will be reading again tomorrow to the students in Division 11 around racism, diversity, inclusion and empathy.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

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