Orange Shirt Day and more!

Good afternoon families,

Just a couple reminders about some upcoming events before the long weekend!

Orange Shirt Day

A reminder that tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. We have already begun our age appropriate discussion during Social Studies and will continue our learning throughout this school year.

As we have Monday off Library will be cancelled. Feel free to bring your books on Tuesday or Thursday next week for open book exchange at 1pm.

Words of the Week:

Grade 1:

  1. of
  2. us
  3. up
  4. me
  5. he

Grade 2:

  1. fun
  2. cloud
  3. yet
  4. bring
  5. build

Upcoming Dates:

Friday September 27- Orange Shirt Day and Celebration of Learning Assembly

Monday September 30- National Day Truth and Reconciliation (No school for everyone)

Friday October 4- Picture Day 

Wednesday October 9 (3:15-5pm)  and Thursday October 10 (2:15-7pm) Welcome Conversation afternoon/evening

Monday October 14- Thanksgiving (No school for everyone)

Friday October 18- Ms. Toor’s away for her wedding (Ms. Keeling will be in as a TOC)

Friday October 25- Pro-D-Day

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Welcome to the blog!

Good afternoon families,

Welcome to the blog! I am excited for this school year! I will be using the blog as my primary form of communication outside of the planners and in person. I will post monthly calendars, highlights and upcoming dates/ information here on the blog.


Thank you for supporting your child in bringing their planner to school each day. It is a safe spot for notices and a great tool to enhance organization, planning and communication. Each week take a look in the planner for your child’s words of the week.

Please practice reading those words as well as practice spelling in some fun ways (see image below).

Grade 1 words this week:

  1. a
  2. am
  3. an
  4. as
  5. at

Grade 2 words this week:

  1. road
  2. pack
  3. trip
  4. went
  5. away


Library will be on Monday mornings. Please bring your books back in order to take new ones out. Ms. Ho (our librarian) and I will be encouraging Division 12 to start taking 2 books that are of our reading level and 1 book a family member can read to them or together.


Scholastic Orders:

Scholastic forms will be handed out today in your child’s planner. Our class code is RC130056 and I will place our September/ October orders on Friday October 11th at 12pm.

Outdoor Classroom:

As we are still working on our schedules we do not have a finalized day of the week yet, but most likely Outdoor Classroom will be on Wednesday mornings. Please be prepared for the weather every Wednesday!

Upcoming Dates:

Friday September 20- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)

Friday September 27- Orange Shirt Day and Celebration of Learning Assembly

Monday September 30- National Day Truth and Reconciliation (No school for everyone)

Wednesday October 9 and Thursday October 10- Welcome Conversation afternoon/evening

Monday October 14- Thanksgiving (No school for everyone)

Thank you,

Ms. Toor