End of the Month Housekeeping and June Upcoming Dates

Good afternoon,

Here is some reminders for the end of May as well as some upcoming dates in June!

Aquarium Field Trip

The Aquarium field trip payments and permission forms are due on Thursday May 30.

**A reminder that only parent volunteers and students from Division 11 and 12 are allowed to drive on the bus due to liability and insurance purposes.

June Scholastic Orders

I will be submitting June Scholastic orders on Tuesday June 4th. This will give enough time for orders to be completed, shipped and delivered to Suncrest by the end of the school year. I will hold all orders until that date.

Parent Volunteer Tea

Emails have been sent home to all of our school’s volunteers. If you received an invitation by email please RSVP no later than Wednesday May 29 by 3pm as the committee needs final numbers for the event.

Pro-D-Day Friday May 31st

No School for Students

Sports Day Friday June 14

Thank you in advance for the parents who are volunteering their time! This is a fun event that students look forward to all year long!

Suncrest Waterpark Dates

Our class will sign up for dates and times during the week of June 17-21. Stay tuned for exact dates and times.

Primary Central Park Walking Field Trip

Our date for our Central Park Picnic is going to be on Tuesday June 25th. Stay tuned for details and we will be looking for parent volunteers

Thank you and I will keep you updated with more end of the year information!

Ms. Toor