November Updates

Hello Division 11 Families!

Words Their Way:

Words their way is a program we have begun in our class to guide our literacy practice. Every Friday words will be in your child’s planner pocket; those words have been practiced in the classroom and you can continue working on them the week after. Please find a safe place for them. In the classroom we use a plastic bag.  Instructions are in your child’s planner and located on the document below. Have fun with the words using the suggested games provided to strengthen your child’s literacy skills.

Photo Retakes:

Photo retakes will be taking place on Tuesday November 17. If your child is getting retakes please let when our class is called I know who to send down to get their photos taken. For those who weren’t here I will be sending them down already.


Library will be this Tuesday November 17.

Pro- D- Day:

No school for students on Friday November 27.

Thank you for all of your hard work and support! Keep reading every night as a family for 20 minutes 🙂

Ms. Toor