Pumpkin Activity

Good afternoon families of Division 11!

Today your children went to our schools pumpkin patch. We started an activity in the classroom and need your help to finish it, as we cannot carve the pumpkins at the school. In your child’s planner there is an activity sheet for their pumpkin. We have completed the top part of the activity and what they need is your help carving and hollowing out the pumpkin. They have estimated how many seeds are in a pumpkin and are going to count their seeds to see if they are close to their estimation.

This is an optional activity of course since it is taking place outside of school. If you would like to complete the activity on the bottom of the sheet is a place you can write it down.

Here is also a copy of the sheet if you would like to compare other family members pumpkins.

Here is the link to the story as well that helped us with our activity!

Thank you for your help and if you need the weekend to complete this activity that is more than okay too 🙂

Ms. Toor