Weekly Zoom Meeting and Highlights of Last Week’s Learning

Good Morning Division 11!

We will have another zoom class meeting this week on Friday May 1st @ 10:00am.

We will do this weekly as it is important for the class to continue to meet, share our week, feelings and student work. Each week we will also have a read aloud to end the meeting. We will keep the Friday time as majority of our class was able to attend last week and a good way to end the week together as a group!

**This week again we will share how we feel and highlights of the week. This week please have your child share a piece of work they are proud of; this could include any project we have completed this week or previously. They can hold it up to the screen and if they feel comfortable they can talk about what they created.

Some of the highlights of the previous week!

I am so proud of everyone’s learning. I am seeing the creative side come out during many of our projects and inquiry! There are so many pictures and work to choose from!

Ms. Toor

April 28- May 1 Daily Activities

Good Morning Division 11!

This week we are going to try something different. Everyone will have access to the entire week’s activities in advance and work on everything at their own pace. Remember to do the activities when you can and if you cannot get to everything in the same day that is okay.

The first two activities are week long activities that are chunked into parts. Scroll down to see activities split into the days of the week.

Here is the plan for April 28- May 1

(Save the table below as an image to make it larger or use as a checklist for the “group plan” also known as our daily schedule).






These two activities will be week long assignments to work on as they need planning, prepping, building, putting together etc.

  1. Weekly ADST Challenge
  • Use blocks, LEGO, recyclables or any materials available to solve one of the following problems:
  • Problem 1: The city needs your help to connect 2 places. Build a bridge that will connect one side of town with another (or between 2 pillows on the floor)
  • Problem 2: You are stuck on a different planet. Build a rocket to get home
  • Problem 3: Suncrest is looking for a new addition to the playground. Build a new structure to add to the school.

There are 3 parts to this activity:

  1.  Use a blank piece of paper to as a “planning sheet” to plan out how to solve the problem (draw what your structure might look like and write down the materials or parts you will need to build your structure).

2. Create your structure and post a picture to Freshgrade when it is completed.

3. After creating your structure, write about how you solved the problem. This can include materials used, what you created and how it works. When completed submit photos and write up to FreshGrade.

2. Weekly Time Capsule Activity

Complete as many of the following sheets as you would like to complete throughout the week as this activity has many parts. Find a box around the house to keep everything in. Label your box with the title “Name’s time capsule”

We are going to keep everything together along with student work and pictures of your choice. We will share our time capsules when we get back to school; whenever that may be.



Tuesday April 28

  1. Mini ADST Project Part 1

Select a problem from above. Use a blank piece of paper and design what your structure would look like. You can use more than one page to plan out different parts or from different view points (side, above etc). Plan out what materials you will need to create your structure and write down your list to keep track of materials you will need.

2. Time Capsule Pages 1-3

Find a keepsake box or container. Decorate or label box to your liking. Decorate page 1 and fill in pages 2-3. Think about activities and pictures you would also like to put inside your time capsule.


3. Visit Ms. Fletcher’s Blog 

Visit Ms. Fletcher’s blog and participate in some of the music activities she has posted for our grade group.

Fill out the following forms with your child for Ms. Fletcher:


4. Reading Bingo: Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Wednesday April 29

  1. Mini ADST Project Part 2 

Start today by gathering materials you will need to create your structure. Begin creating your structure using your plans you have created the day before. Post a picture of your completed structure on FreshGrade.

2.Time Capsule Pages 4-6

Complete the following pages of your time capsule. Use some of your previous work to give you some ideas of things you have been doing at home.

3. Measurement

Please watch the video to get us started on our measurement unit.

Part 1:  Height

  • Find 5-10 objects in your home and line them up shortest to tallest. Post your completed line of objects to FreshGrade.

Part 2: Basic Referent:

  • Without using a ruler, draw a line that is as close to 10 cm as you can
  • When you are done drawing your line, find a ruler and measure it
  • How close were you?
  • How did you do it?
  • What can you find that’s about the same length?

4. Reading Bingo: Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina. Don’t forget to cross activities off your reading bingo!


Thursday April 30

  1. Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a cloud! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Mini ADST Project part 3

After completing your design write about how you solved the problem you chose. Share materials you used, how you created your structure and how it works. Post your write up to FreshGrade. Use one of the templates if needed to support your writing.

3. Time Capsule pages 7-9

Complete the following pages of your time capsule.

4. Reading Bingo: Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Friday May 1

  1. Join in the weekly classroom meeting @ 10:00am

**Link through email invite

2. Time Capsule Pages 10 & 11

Complete the following pages of your time capsule. Today this will include writing a letter to yourself (future self) and your parent/ family member writing one to you. Your letter to yourself can include some things you have done at home, things you miss and things you are looking forward to when school goes back.

**Keep your time capsule in safe place to add photos, work and memorable moments during your time at home.

3. Measurement- Height Activity 

Part 1: Basic Referent

  • Get a piece of string
  • Without measuring, cut a piece that measures one meter
  • Find a measuring tool and measure your string
  • How close were you?
  • What can you find that’s about the same length?

Part 2: Measure your height

**Can use a tape measure or string to compare lengths in centimetres

  • Measure your height in centimetres (cm)
  • How tall are you?
  • Measure someone else in your family
  • Compare your height to your family members
  • Who is taller?
  • By how much?
  • Find an object shorter than you
  •  Find an object is taller than you

4. Reading Bingo: Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Ms. Toor