April 23- Daily Activities

Today we will be focusing on Creative Thinking with art, Mathematics and Reading. Today I would like you to…

  1. It’s Think Outside the Box Thursday! Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a balloon! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. 3D Shapes: Watch the link before the activity

  • Print out the shapes below
  • Cut them out
  • Glue them together the best you can to create 3D shapes
  • Become familiar with the shapes by moving them around
  • Use the template below to count the number of faces, edges and corners (write on your shape to count or use stickies like in the video to help count especially if you do not have a printer.

I you do not have this option with a printer use the objects found in your shape hunt to guide you through the activity (the video also provides ideas). Post pictures of shapes and 3D detective sheet to FreshGrade when completed.










3. Reading Bingo: Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes practicing reading stamina.

Ms. Toor

Week #3 Update

Optional Zoom Meeting: Friday April 24 @ 10:00am

Thank you everyone for taking the time to fill out time preferences in forms for zoom meetings. I know Friday is not the day some selected but I wanted to give a group meeting a go before the end of the week as a practice test run. This will allow me to figure out any glitches, time frames and a chance to re-connect before a long weekend.

Meeting Details:

Our first online class meeting will be on Friday April 24, 2020 at 10:00 am. We will be using Zoom to connect and a link will be sent out via email to all parents to access the video conference. Students will be able to see each other, if you or your child is uncomfortable with the video conference you may either turn off your camera or choose not to participate. We will start with a sharing circle where students will check in by sharing how they are feeling then we will end with a story. Our first conference will be short as this is new for most of us. If all goes well and students, as well as parents are onboard, we can try to do a weekly video conference in consideration to the times most of you have chosen. If your child is unable to participate that is okay, this is not mandatory, but rather an opportunity for peers to connect. Please email me an RSVP if your child can participate in our practice run this Friday or if you have any questions or concerns.

Link and password: Will be emailed to you

Tip: connect to the link a few minutes prior to ensure connection and use the washroom before the chat begins

 Here are some things to keep in mind during our video conference.

  1. Be kind and respectful
  2. Be mindful of how long your turn is – we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to share
  3. Keep your sound on “mute” until it is your turn. This will help with the sound quality so we can all hear the speaker properly (I have access to mute your microphone during the session as well and un-mute when it is your turn)
  4. Please consider your background and any information you will be displaying such as personal information or photographs
  5. Please do not record or capture any part of the video conference
  6. Be aware of who will be captured in view of the web camera and what can be overheard on the microphone
  7. This is a school activity and you should be dressed appropriately
  8. We will limit everyone to share one thing first before offering an opportunity for another share







Reminder: Pro-D-Day Monday April 27 (No Daily Activities will be posted)

I say “long weekend” for all of you, as us teachers will be virtually meeting for our first Pro-D-Day from our homes. Enjoy Monday off and new activities will be posted Tuesday.

Ms. Toor

April 22- Daily Activities

Happy Earth Day!

Today we are going to focus on Reading, Writing, Personal and Social Responsibility in relation to the core competencies celebrating Earth Day. Today I would like you to…

  1. Earth Day: Listen to the read aloud posted to FreshGrade “What Does it Mean to be Green” by Rana DiOrio and the song on youtube.
  • Discuss: Why is it important and helpful to the environment to reuse objects instead of throwing them away?
  • What does it mean to be green? What are some ways to be green?

2. Loose parts/ Re-Usable Art/ ADST: Can you find something in your house that you can turn into something new instead of throwing away? Similar to our litter bug activity but you can create anything using those objects or use those materials and create a loose parts design. Can be small or large depending on what you find around your home. Feel free to get creative as there is no limit to what you can create. When you are finished share your photo on Fresh Grade.

3. Writing: Please write about the ways you can make the world a better place. Think about things you are already doing. Think about some changes you are going to make moving forward. Write them down and post on Freshgrade.








4. Reading Bingo

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes of stamina.

Ms. Toor