April 21- Daily Activities

Good morning Division 11!

Today we are going to focus on Social Studies, Mathematics, and Reading. Today I would like you to…


  1. Read Aloud

I recorded a video of myself reading Todd Parr’s “The Earth Book.” Due to copyright, each video will be shared highlighting the Title, Author, Illustrator and Publisher. The Read Aloud video will be posted to FreshGrade as it is private for our class only to view.

2. Nature Scavenger Hunt

Since it is supposed to rain on Earth day we will do the Nature Scavenger Hunt today! Find as many things as you can from the list. Post pictures of your hunt to FreshGrade.

Questions to consider while listening to the reading and during the scavenger hunt

  • What do you love about the Earth?
  • Why is it our role as citizens to take care of the Earth? Even as citizens at our age?
  • What am I doing now that demonstrates I am doing my part to take care of the Earth?

3. 3D Shape Video

Watch the video on 3D Shapes.

  • Think about where you have seen these shapes in your home or environment. Take a piece of paper and go on a 3D Shape Hunt and document the 3D shapes you spot.
  • Think about how 2D shapes and 3D shapes are different and similar.






4. Reading Bingo

Select an activity on the bingo sheet. Remember each activity should be around 20 minutes practicing reading stamina.

Ms. Toor

Week #2- Highlights

Division 11 you impress me more and more each day!

I can’t wait to listen to your reading recordings today and conference with you about your learning during our individual zoom meetings that will be coming up.

Here are some highlights of week #2

You are such a creative group and I enjoy seeing you all play to your strengths as well as challenging yourselves. Looking forward to seeing the work you create this week.

Ms. Toor