April 17- Daily Activities

Good morning Division 11

Today is Friday Letters to Ms. Toor. Each week I will write a letter on the blog. The first task each Friday will be to read my letter and the second would be to discuss questions asked with your family to brain storm (web optional but encouraged to sort out ideas prior to writing) and write back to me by posting a picture of your letter to FreshGrade.

Here is my letter today.

Dear Division 11,

Thank you for your letters last week. It was so nice to see all of your writing and read what you have been up to at home with your families. This week I have been busy planning learning activities that are fun and engaging as in many of your letters you talked about enjoying the activities that involve art, reading, math ADST, creative thinking and movement. I will try my best to incorporate those into our activities. Today I am going to share with you my “ooopps” moment during this time of self-isolation in my letter, because today you will be sharing with me a funny moment or something that did not go as planned similar to the story I am about to share with you.

Last week I ran out of my “candy stash”. I have not been leaving my house to go shopping very often and thought about what to do. Most of my shopping has been done online so I googled my favourite store…Bulk Barn! Little did I know they have a place to order online and pick it up the next day! WOOOOO! How awesome! I started searching up my favourite candy (Alans Sour Cherries and Sour Cola Bottles of course). I got to the place where I had to write down the quantity. Unsure of the price and how to decide the quantity of the candy I decided to order in scoops. I usually put in 6 or 7 Ms. Toor scoops which at the time I thought would be plenty.

Fast forward to the next day. I ask Ms. Toor 2.0 to join me on a drive during lunch time to drive over the bridge to get the candy. We park, I get out with my sanitizer and credit card and walk into the store. I give the cashier my name as I was the only one in the store and she said. “Oh you’re that really big order, I will be right back.” In my head I was thinking I only ordered two things, maybe it’s the wrong order she was thinking about. She came back with a bag shaped like a large pumpkin. She said to me “sour cherries and cola bottles, 7 scoops.” “That’s me,” I said. “You ordered a lot of candy.” I was so nervous to see how much it cost…$ 70!!!!!!!!!

I paid and left thinking what am I going to tell my sister. I bought $70 worth of candy for myself “ooopps!” I got to the car and Ms. Toor 2.0 was laughing so hard because the bag was so heavy and I was having trouble carrying it. I have the candy in many small bins stored around my home. In just over 2 weeks I move into an apartment and thinking where is all this candy going to go. We ended up laughing so hard the whole way home. Parents if you buy from Bulk Barn, their scoops are huge


Ms. Toor

Today we are going to focus on idea generating, writing, mathematics in connection with art, and beginning some more about community which will be connected to many other curricular components in the next couple weeks. Today I would like you to…


  1. Remember an “ooopps” moment is something that did not go as planned. What has been your “ooopps” moment during your time at home? Write a letter back to me about your “ooopps” moment and post a picture of your letter on FreshGrade.

2. 2D Shape Art. Friday afternoons in the classroom is always our art day. Lets continue that each week at home. For the assignment you will need …

Paper, pencil, black felt, sharpie or crayon, any type of colours (crayons, water colour paint, pencil crayon, pastel or crayons). The picture below is an example of the art you will create. Use different 2D shapes you have learned to create your piece of art. You may also want shapes to trace, for example a can to make circles.

Take a look at the link below and posted on FreshGrade as the file was too large to post here. On the link it is the second activity labelled pastel art.


3. Lets get outside and go for a walk with your family, think about the community we live in. What kind of jobs? What is in our environment? How does our community run? What kind of landmarks or buildings? We will be exploring it more in the upcoming weeks.

Can’t wait to read your letters,

Ms. Toor