April 15- Daily Activities

Good morning Division 11.

The work I am seeing submitted on Freshgrade is so thoughtful and full of hard work.

I would like to take this time to share the following learning themes we will be focusing on this term. We will be continuing with the development of skills in literacy (reading and writing),  geometry, time, water cycle, measurement, ADST, and financial literacy (number sense and currency). I will be trying my best to centre future activities around these themes. However, some activities can connect to multiple subject areas or dive into important topics like social emotional learning. We will continue to learn with a place based, inquiry approach and focus on the core competencies in the curriculum like we would if we were in the classroom. This allows for students to gain an understanding through experience, exploration and discovering personal strengths.

Report cards are still required to be written in June. Any work submitted through Freshgrade will help me to assess your child more accurately in order to write an authentic report. Please do what you can each day and remember to post on Freshgrade when you are ready, that could mean the next day or taking the weekend, a time like this means flexibility. Thank you for your help and cooperation through these uncertain times!

Today we are going to focus on reading, writing and creative thinking in art and mathematics. Today I would like you to…

  1. Listen to the book “The Best Part of Me” by Wendy Ewald

2. When you are finished listening to the story, discuss what you noticed about the book. After discussing what you noticed, think about some of your favourite parts of you. Pick your favourite things about yourself and take a photo of it just like in the book. Write a description to go with your picture about why you like that part about yourself. You can use descriptive words, you can write using rhyme and your writing can use imagery which is using words to make the reader picture what you are talking about in their heads. Please post to Fresh Grade.

3. Think about the 2D shapes you looked for from your shape hunt. Below are templates of 3 shapes we were looking for. Create as many things you can that using the shape and give it colour. For example one square can be turned into a dice and another can become a picture frame. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Please post to Freshgrade when completed.

Link for activity or printable templates or click on the pictures above.

Ms. Toor